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WASHINGTON, DC— Congressman Leonard Lance today was sworn-in to a second term as the representative of New Jersey's Seventh Congressional District.

"I am humbled and honored to begin my second term as the Seventh District representative in Washington," Lance said.  "It is with great pride and privilege to have been sworn-in to the 'People's House' to work toward a more perfect Union through lower taxes, less spending and fewer regulations.

"The challenges we face as a Nation are great.  Unemployment is high and economic growth is stagnant.  The American people sent a message in November that they wanted their elected officials to cut spending and enact measures to expand our economy and create jobs.  That is our task at hand.

"So it is up to this Congress, working together in a bipartisan capacity under the new leadership of House Speaker John Boehner, to get our fiscal house in order, begin to address levels of debt and put forth pro-growth policies to bring some much-needed certainty to our economy."