Share Your Story

There is often great value in a short story. Many agencies have stories of community policing successes, and the COPS Office has seen that by sharing these with the field, other agencies are able to learn from and adapt these innovations.

The Community Policing Dispatch is one way the COPS Office broadcasts new ideas, theories, and promising practices in community policing. We know that many of the thousands of readers each month are looking for ideas to help their communities address crime and public safety concerns. We also believe that many of those readers’ agencies have successfully developed responses to problems that can be instructive to others. A few have taken advantage of our “contact us” page to tell us their story, and from those e- mails we have developed some of the articles that have appeared in the Dispatch over the years.

If you have a community policing success story that you think others could learn from, we invite you to send us an e-mail at We don’t need fully developed articles, just a couple of sentences that give the general flavor of your project. If it is selected, our staff will follow up with you to help turn that idea into a story the Dispatch can share.