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Mechanical Engineering Cadets
Joseph DiRenzo IV, Mechanical Engineering Class of 2010, awarded a Fulbright Scholarship.

The Fulbright Program is an integral part of U.S. foreign relations which provides face-to-face exchanges to engage foreign publics and broaden dialogue between U.S. citizens and institutions abroad. Joe’s scholarship comes from the Icelandic Fulbright Commission which offered him a Fulbright Fellowship. 

Joe has accepted and plans to pursue a Master's degree in Renewable Energy Science with a concentration on fuel cell systems and hydrogen technology at the School for Renewable Energy Science in Iceland. Joe is planning to conduct a research project on the feasibility of introducing hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity to power certain electrical systems onboard Coast Guard vessels. Congratulations Joe!

Katie Spira, Mechanical Engineering Class of 2011, wins the 2/c 2010 Class of 1959 (formerly the Hewitt) Speaking Contest.  

Her speech was on her transition from high school to the Coast Guard Academy. Congratulations Katie! 

Sarah Hohnstadt, Mechanical Engineering Class of 2010, wins the 2/c 2009 Hewitt Writing Contest. 

Her paper was entitled "Space Based Solar Power as Sustainable Energy in Developed Countries" and was written as part of her requirements for her Mechanisms course.  Congratulations Sarah! 

The Hewitt Writing and Speaking Contests are held annually at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy to encourage excellence in writing and speaking among cadets. Every cadet, by the time he or she graduates from the academy, will have had the opportunity to write four papers and give four speeches for the Hewitt Contests. In this way, cadets learn by doing. 

The John and Erna Hewitt Endowment Fund was established in 1988 through the generous donations of Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. William B. Hewitt, USCG (retired) to the United States Coast Guard Academy Alumni Association. The endowment provides a source of recurring funds to stimulate and enrich the development of oral and written communication skills by members of the Corps of Cadets. 

United States Coast Guard Academy Cadet Remote Operated Vehicle Project 

Coast Guard Ensign Eric Nielsen, a 2007 Coast Guard Academy Mechanical Engineering graduate, operates an underwater remote operated vehicle that he and several Academy classmates designed and built as part of their senior capstone design project in Mechanical Engineering. The ROV assisted in surveying the depths surrounding Minot's Ledge Lighthouse near Scituate, Mass.