Narayana Kocherlakota

Speeches, Articles and Research

Photo of Narayana KocherlakotaHow to pronounce his name:

Hear the pronunciation

Nahr-ay-yah-nah Koach-er-lah-ko-tah

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Narayana Kocherlakota became the 12th president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis on Oct. 8, 2009.

Prior to becoming president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Kocherlakota was a professor of economics at the University of Minnesota, where he previously chaired the economics department, and a consultant to the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. He was also a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. From 1996 to 1998, he was a Research staff member at the Minneapolis Fed.

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As Minneapolis Fed President

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Articles, Papers and Messages

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Research as a Minneapolis Fed Economist

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Prior Economic Research

This list includes only a selection of papers; view all prior research for more, sorted by topic and date. See CV [PDF] for full citations.

Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice

Cycles and Growth

Dynamic Contracting and Dynamic Games

Money and Banking

Optimal Taxation

View all prior research by Kocherlakota sorted by topic and date