US Partners with Local Government to Help School Children of Vinica

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Ambassador Wohlers enters the grounds of the "Slavco Stojmenski" Primary School in Vinica, Macedonia.

School Director Jordan Stojanov, Ambassador Paul Wohlers, and Mayor Emil Doncev (l-r) cut the ribbon of the newly renovated school.

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VINICA, Macedonia - The school community of Vinica organized a ribbon cutting ceremony Oct. 27 to celebrate the successful completion of a school renovation project made possible by generous funding support from the United States European Command and expert technical assistance from the USAID Primary Education Project.  Ambassador Paul Wohlers, Mayor of Vinica, Emil Doncev, and School Director Jordan Stojanov, joined teachers, parents, and students of the "Slavco Stojmenski" Primary School in Vinica to celebrate the complete renovation of the school which included: replacement
of windows and doors, transformation of the old library into a modern "mediatheque," construction of an additional entrance hall, and paving of a new sports field where the Ambassador tossed up the first basketball for a match between two of the city's girls basketball teams. 

School renovations are just one way in which the United States is partnering with Macedonia to improve education in the country.  "We have also provided training for over ten thousand teachers in the country.  We have helped initiate "Green Clubs" at twenty schools to promote environmental awareness, and we've started a program to help integrate children with special needs into regular classrooms," said Ambassador Wohlers.

The renovation component of the USAID Primary Education Project in collaboration with the US European Command, represented by Lieutenant Colonel Amy McCall at the ceremony, supports the creation of better learning environments and decentralization of school facilities to municipal governments.  The project works with all public primary schools in Macedonia
and its main focus is to improve the quality of instruction and increase employment skills of students.  The overall goal is to strengthen education in Macedonia and to support decentralization efforts, as Macedonia seeks entrance to the European Union.

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