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NA&ME Careers
Graduates of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy who earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NA&ME) encounter tremendous opportunities and responsibilities throughout their careers in the Coast Guard as well as in professional industry.  The extensive training and education experienced in the NA&ME major provides the ideal environment to produce officers “well-grounded in seamanship, the sciences and the amenities”.  The options and career paths presented to this group upon graduation are numerous.

NA&ME graduates are specifically prepared to “assume responsibility for the safety, operation, maintenance, logistics, design, and repair of ships and boats”, their ability to use fundamental engineering principles, techniques, skills, and professional practice also suit them for a myriad of other disciplines.  Our graduates succeed as commanding officers on ships and on land, port engineers, naval aviators, professors, law-enforcement officials, and emergency response teams, to name a few. 

The two primary engineering employment tracks for NA&ME graduates within the Coast Guard are Naval Engineering and Prevention.  Most officers in these fields begin their careers with operational tours on a Coast Guard cutter as a Student Engineer.  This tour provides a broad exposure to the on-deck details of maintaining and operating a marine vessel.  This is typically followed by technical engineering positions in vessel support, acquisition, or regulation.  However, it is also possible to get command of a Coast Guard cutter at this early point in a career.  A Naval Engineering career is characterized by supporting and operating Coast Guard assets.  A Prevention career is executing the Coast Guard’s responsibility for ensuring safety at sea “through the prevention and mitigation of maritime incidents”.  NA&ME officers provide specialized expertise on the safe construction and operation of commercial vessels, oil and gas producing wells, and mobile offshore drilling units; all of which are important to the safety of U.S. ports, the public, and the environment. 

Outside of the Coast Guard, NA&ME graduates are successful in parallel positions within the civilian sector.  Many earn professional engineer licenses while still in the Coast Guard, and capitalize on experiences within the service to build successful careers at prestigious firms and institutions.  USCGA NA&ME graduates serve as leaders within the maritime industry; they are reputable and frequently sought after for official positions within shipbuilding, consulting, and government organizations. They have also successfully pursued non-engineering careers in business, law, technology, and energy fields.  A NA&ME degree fully prepares you for your choice of exciting opportunities.