Regional Customer Support

Frequently Asked Questions

Main FAQs

What are the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) course application procedures?

Prepare an application by accessing the U.S. Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATTRS) Internet Training Application System (AITAS) Web site at: and follow these instructions:

  • Click on “Apply for Training” in upper left hand corner.
  • Click on the pull down box; please select a category.
  • Select “Non-Acquisition Workforce.”
  • Click on “LOGON” (If you chose the DOB/SSN option, you will be asked to verify your DOB and SSN).
  • Select the type of course (classroom/web/continuous learning module)
  • For a web course or a continuous learning module.
    • Select the DAU course from the drop down menu you want to apply for. Only the classes approved on your Individual Development Plan (IDP) will appear in the drop down menu. Once you select a course you will be directed to your ATRRS student profile. Ensure all the information is correct and hit “submit application”.
  • For classroom (resident) courses.
    • Select the DAU course from the drop down menu you want to apply for. Only the classes approved on your Individual Development Plan (IDP) will appear in the drop down menu.
    • Click on “SEARCH.”
    • Select the school location you want to attend. Click on the “Location and Course Number (CRS)” to view that school’s class schedule. Please remember that if you do not chose a cost-effective location (marked with a C or CW) there is a chance that your unit/command/agency will have to fund your TDY/travel expenses.
    • Select the “Class” that you would like to attend by clicking the “Class Number (CLS).”
    • Enter/verify the information required on the application.
    • Once you have completed your profile, go to the lower right corner and click “Submit Application.” If you properly completed all the blocks and clicked “submit application.
  • A pop-up message that says “a confirmation has been e-mailed to the student and the student’s supervisor” will appear on your screen. Click “OK” to close it.

IMPORTANT! Courses must be approved on a 5-Year IDP before applying!

How do I apply for a DAU course if I am not part of the Army Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (AL&T) Workforce?

A non-Acquisition person does not need to have an IDP nor be in Career Acquisition Personnel & Position Management Information System (CAPPMIS) to apply for a DAU course. The Web-based courses will be available continuously but resident courses will require a waitlist. If selected, the individual’s command will have to fund travel per diem. However, there is no cost for the training. To apply for DAU training, please follow the steps below.
Prepare an application by accessing the AITAS Web site at: and following these instructions:

  • Click on “Apply for Training” in upper left hand corner.
  • Click on the pull down box; please select a category.
  • Select “Non-Acquisition Workforce.”
  • Click on “LOGON” (If you chose the DOB/SSN option, you will be asked to verify your DOB and SSN).
  • Select the type of course (classroom/web/continuous learning module)
  • For a web course or a continuous learning module.
    • Select the DAU course from the drop down menu you want to apply for. Only the classes approved on your Individual Development Plan (IDP) will appear in the drop down menu. Once you select a course you will be directed to your ATRRS student profile. Ensure all the information is correct and hit “submit application”.
  • For classroom (resident) courses.
    • Select the DAU course from the drop down menu you want to apply for. Only the classes approved on your Individual Development Plan (IDP) will appear in the drop down menu.
    • Click on “SEARCH.”
    • Select the school location you want to attend. Click on the “Location and Course Number (CRS)” to view that school’s class schedule. Please remember that if you do not chose a cost-effective location (marked with a C or CW) there is a chance that your unit/command/agency will have to fund your TDY/travel expenses.
    • Select the “Class” that you would like to attend by clicking the “Class Number (CLS).”
    • Enter/verify the information required on the application.
    • Once you have completed your profile, go to the lower right corner and click “Submit Application.” If you properly completed all the blocks and clicked “submit application.
  • A pop-up message that says “a confirmation has been e-mailed to the student and the student’s supervisor” will appear on your screen. Click “OK” to close it.

How do I check the status of a course application?

Access the AITAS website ( Under Student Menu: Click on “Review Application.

  • Complete the “Please Sign in Below” form. Click on the pull down box; please select a category.
  • Click on “LOGON” (If you chose the DOB/SSN option, you will be asked to verify your DOB and SSN).
  • The screen will then display all applications for DAU courses and their status.

How do I cancel a course application?

Cancel your application by accessing the AITAS Web site at: and following these instructions:

  • Click “Continue to AITAS.”
  • Under Student Menu: Click on “Review Application.”
  • Locate the application you wish to cancel. All applications eligible for cancellation will be marked with a red “C” in the left hand column.
  • Click the red “C” next to the application you wish to cancel; a notification will be displayed asking you to confirm that you wish to cancel this application. Click “OK” to continue.
  • If your application has not been approved as a reservation or a wait, your application will be cancelled immediately. If your application has been approved as a reservation or wait, you will be prompted to enter a reason for wanting your class to be cancelled. After entering your reasons, click the button to continue. A message will be sent to you and your supervisor.
  • Once USAASC receives notification of your cancellation request, someone will review your request and either approve or disapprove your cancellation. You will be informed of their decision by e-mail notification.
  • Please remember that all cancellation requests must be initiated at least 5 business days prior to the class start date or the reservation cut-off date, whichever is earlier. Please click here for help:

What does a wait status in a DAU Course mean?

Each branch of the Armed Services is given a quota of seats in each DAU course. If you apply for a course and the Army quota is full, you will be placed in a “Wait” status. DAU will review the applications approximately 65 days from the start date. If DAU has received cancellations or the other Services have not filled their quotas, DAU will award reservations for these vacancies to individuals on the “Wait” list. All waits will be processed in the order that they are received by priority.

How do I check the DAU schedule to see what courses are available?

Applicants can go to the ATRRS Data on Demand Web site to review course schedules. Course rosters are now restricted for security reasons. Data on Demand is a helpful tool that provides service-wide training managers, DAU and acquisition AL&T Workforce employees with very useful information.

What is the DAU no-show policy?

  • System sends e-mail notification to supervisor and student identifying student as a no-show and provides notification of 180-day sanction.
  • Student has 28 days to submit excusal request through USAASC . Student cannot resubmit application for the course during this time.
  • If student does not submit excusal request within 28 days, the system will not allow student to apply for same course for 180 days.
  • If USAASC determines excuse is valid, 180-day sanction is lifted.
  • If USAASC determines excuse is not valid, the sanction is implemented for that course.
  • When sanction is imposed, student will be cancelled from all classes that may be affected by the no-show course.

An AL&T Workforce member has a supervisor that is not in the AL&T Workforce. How does the supervisor access the employee’s IDP?

The supervisor needs to be in the CAPPMIS database and will be identified as a non- Director for Acquisition Career Management (DACM) supervisor. To register, please use the following steps:

  • Go to the CAPPMIS homepage at
  • Click  the “Create New Account” button.  Input your SSN without dashes.
  • Click on the “Non-DACM Addition” link.
  • Complete all required fields on the form and click “Submit.”
  • Once you are approved and added, you will receive an e-mail confirmation, with directions on accessing the CAPPMIS IDP Supervisor module.

The information goes directly to the Acquisition Career Management Office (ACMO) individual responsible for adding the supervisor to the database. Do not contact an Acquisition Career Manager (ACM) for this database addition. Once this process is completed, the supervisor will be able to go through the IDP new user screen to access this site.

I’m an Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) member in an acquisition position. Who updates my Acquisition Career Record Brief (ACRB)?

The following ACRB sections you can now update yourself:

  • Section IV (Personal Info)—you can update the phone numbers and e-mail directly and the address you can update through MY PAY.
  • Section V (Preference).
  • Section VI (Training)—you can update the non-DAU training yourself.
  • Section IX (Assignment History)—you can update all but the first line yourself.

For updating other sections you should send or take a signed, marked up copy of your ACRB to your regional ACM.  For a list of Regional Offices, please go to: to find out what region you are assigned to and for a list of ACMs in that region.

What does the Competitive Development Group/Army Acquisition Fellows (CDG/AAF) Program offer?

This program was established in 1997 as directed by the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA).  The CDG/AAF Program is specifically designed to develop civilian acquisition leaders for the 21st century Army.  A CDG/AAF is a GS-13 AAC member that has been board selected for this development opportunity.  The CDG/AAF Program is a 3-year developmental assignment/training program that offers high-potential, board-selected GS-13 AAC members expanded training, leadership and other career development opportunities.  Detailed information on the CDG/AAF Program, policies and procedures can be found at:

What is a Senior Rater Potential Evaluation (SRPE)?

SRPE is a means for the senior rater to evaluate the potential of employees to assume leadership positions.  Instructions and forms can be found at:  Scroll down this page until you see the SRPE forms.

How do I add an employee to my IDP supervisor profile?

To add an employee under you as the supervisor, you must have the employee’s SSN in hand.  Login to CAPPMIS IDP at:

  • Once you have successfully logged into CAPPMIS, you will see an “IDP” tab.
    Click on the “IDP” tab.
    Click on the “Supervisor Module.”
    The very first time you come to the Supervisor module, you will have to create a profile to be added as an IDP Supervisor.  If you are currently an IDP Supervisor, bypass this step.
  • Click on “Continue to the Supervisor Module” button at the top and bottom of the screen.
    Add your employee(s) by clicking the “Add Employee” button.
    Input your employee’s SSN, without any dashes.
    Your employee will be added to the main page of your Supervisor Module.  At this point, you may review planned or completed training item(s) for your employee.

How do I submit my IDP for my supervisor’s approval?

From within the Web-based IDP, click on “View IDP,” scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Submit for Supervisor Approval Button.”  There is no way for you to select or identify your supervisor.  Supervisors identify their employees in the
Supervisor IDP Module.

Who is my certifying official?

Current policy states that certifications can be granted only by individuals who have been designated as certifying officials (COs).  The COs are approved by the Functional Chief Representative.  The key is the person that certifies must be certified at Level III in the given career field.  Click here to read the new certification policy.  Go to: for the certification procedure.

I just completed all courses to be Level I/II/III certified. How do I get certified?

Take the following steps:

  • Annotate your education, training and experience in accordance with certification standards on your ACRB.
  • Take your ACRB to your organization POC who will complete the process and forward the package to the appropriate ACM.
  • Your ACM will forward your ACRB to the certifying official for signature.
  • Annotate the career field and certification level you are seeking in Section 10.
  • Reviewing Officials (see paragraph 7 of the certification policy):
  • Active Duty Military — the Military Assignment Officer will serve in the capacity as Reviewing Official and is responsible for reviewing all backup documentation.
  • National Guard Officers — the Chief of the National Guard ACMO will serve as the Reviewing Official.
  • Reserve Officers — the Chief of the Reserve ACMO will serve as the Reviewing Official.
  • Civilians — the supervisor is responsible for reviewing all back-up documentation.
  • Take your ACRB to your organizational point of contact who will complete the process and forward the package to the appropriate ACM.
  • Your ACM will forward your ACRB to the certifying official for signature.

What is an Acquisition Position Code (APC)?

There is an APC for each functional career field as follows:

A – Program Management
C – Contracting
D – Industrial/Contracting Property Management
F – Facilities Engineering
H – Manufacturing, Production and Quality Assurance
I – Science & Technical Manager
K – Business, Cost Estimating and Financial Management
E – Purchasing
L – Acquisition Logistics
R – Information Technology (Formerly Communication – Computer Systems)
S – Systems, Planning, Research, Development and Engineering
T – Test and Evaluation
U – Auditing

Section IX of your ACRB documents your current and past functional acquisition positions by APC codes.  The APC code together with your assignment history is how you document the experience necessary to attain certifications.

What are electives and how are they related to certification?

Definition of an Elective:

  • Course or structured learning activity with specific learning objectives that relate to each employee’s needs.
  • Eligible for award of at least 4 Continuous Learning Points (CLPs).
  • Documented in the CLP Summary or Completed Items section of the employees’s IDP.
  • Must be current — taken after the date the employee entered the career field or obtained last certification in that career field.

How is an elective related to certification?

Electives relate to certification as follows:

  • Contracting, Industrial and/or Contract Property Management and Purchasing career fields must have an elective requirement for certification.
  • Level I Certification — requires completion of one elective.
  • Level II Certification — requires completion of two electives.
  • Level III Certification — requires completion of two electives (except Level III Purchasing).
  • A copy of the CLP summary or completed items section of the IDP shall be included with the request for certification and indicates the supervisor’s approval of the electives.