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Homework Korean Style
MONTEREY, Calif. - Students from the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center in Monterey, California made a big splash at the Korean annual video contest at their school on Oct. 4. They created their own version of "Oppan Gangnam Style" in Korean – about student life at DLIFLC, complete with students and Korean instructors dancing to the tunes of PSY’s video which has gone-viral. ...more
DLI Foundation visits Institute
Members of the board of directors of the newly-founded non-profit DLI Foundation visited the campus for the first time on Sept. 25, taking the opportunity to observe foreign language students in class and learn about the new technology used across the institute. Eleven members of the DLI Foundation visited students studying Dari and Urdu, languages spoken in Afghanistan and deemed the some of the hardest to learn for native English speakers. ...more
71st Anniversary Ball
On November 3, 2012 the Alumni Association will host DLIFLC's 71st Anniversary Ball, at Herman Hall, Naval Postgraduate School. For tickets and additional information please call: 831-242-4502 or 831-242-6965. ...more
DLIFLC 1759 Lewis Rd. Bldg 614, Ste. 251 - Presidio of Monterey - Monterey, CA 93944 (831) 242-5119, (DSN-768)