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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Supervision and Regulation Letters

Supervision and Regulation Letters logo Supervision and Regulation Letters, commonly known as SR Letters, address significant policy and procedural matters related to the Federal Reserve System's supervisory responsibilities. Active SR letters are listed here in reverse chronological order. Obsolete letters or letters that contain confidential supervisory information are not included.
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SR 93-72 (FIS)
Guidance on the Capital Treatment and Other Issues Relating to the Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities"
SR 93-69 (FIS)
Examining Risk Management and Internal Controls for Trading Activities of Banking Organizations
SR 93-59 (FIS)
Interagency Uniform Core Report of Examination
SR 93-51 (FIS)
Amendments to Money Laundering Laws and Related Legislation and Federal Reserve 1992 Report to Congress Regarding Administrative Enforcement and Criminal Investigatory and Prosecutorial Activities
SR 93-42 (FIS)
Interagency Guidance on Accounting for Disposition of Other Real Estate Owned
SR 93-40 (FIS)
Department of the Treasury Interpretation Regarding Allocation of Securities to Customer Accounts in Hold-in-Custody Repurchase Transactions
SR 93-37 (FIS)
Split-Dollar Life Insurance
SR 93-36 (FIS)
Preliminary Examiner Guidelines for Regulation F -- Interbank Liabilities
SR 93-33 (FIS)
Clarification on Real Estate Lending Standards
SR 93-31 (FIS)
Procedures for Candidates Taking the Core Proficiency Examination
SR 93-30 (FIS)
Interagency Policy Statements on Supervisory Initiatives Released Today
SR 93-26 (IB)
Applicability of the Interagency Policy Statement on Documentation of Loans to Small and Medium-sized Businesses and Farms to the Activities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks
SR 93-19 (FIS)
Supplemental Guidance for the Inspection of Nonbank Subsidiaries of Bank Holding Companies
SR 93-15 (FIS)
System Training Procedures
SR 93-13 (FIS)
Violations of Federal Reserve Margin Regulations in Custodial Agency Accounts Resulting From "Free-Riding" Schemes
SR 93-12 (FIS)
Elements of a Sound Conflict of Interest Program
SR 93-11 (FIS)
Real Estate Lending Standards
SR 93-10 (FIS)
Revised Procedures Regarding Processing of Dividend Requests from State Member Banks and Bank Holding Companies Under Formal Action
SR 93-7 (IB)
Adoption of Minimum Timing Standards for the Completion of International Examination Reports
SR 93-4 (FIS)
Adoption of Minimum Timing Standards for the Completion of Examination and Inspection Reports
SR 93-1 (FIS)
Real Estate Lending Standards

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Last update: April 13, 2012