U.S. Department of Commerce


Americans with Disabilities: 1997 - Table 3

Table 3.  Selected Characteristics of Individuals 25 Years Old and Over by Disability Status: 1997 
(August-November 1997 data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation)

                                                     Disability status by Age
                                  25 to 64 years old                           65 years old and over
                             Severe       Not          None           Severe          Not          None
                                        severe                                      severe

Total (thousands)           16,700       9,794        112,604         12,073        5,408        14,583
Percent distribution         100.0       100.0          100.0         100.0         100.0         100.0

In married-couple family      52.4        65.5           70.0          47.0          54.6          62.3
       Householder or spouse  46.1        63.4           66.3          42.0          52.2          60.1
In other family               14.2        11.9           10.0           8.2           5.8           5.3
       Householder            12.2        10.3            8.4           7.2           5.4           4.8
Unrelated individual          33.4        22.6           20.0          44.8          39.6          32.5
       Lives alone            17.0        13.1           10.0          36.8          35.2          28.1

Very good or excellent        14.5        39.7           75.1           8.8          25.9          50.7
Good                          26.6        39.5           22.3          23.2          41.3          38.7
Fair or poor                  58.9        20.8            2.6          68.0          32.8          10.5

With health insurance         82.8        83.7           84.6          99.4          99.6          98.8
       Private or military    47.5        79.7           82.3          67.0          78.1          79.7
       Medicare               25.6          -              -           95.8          97.2          94.6
         Both medicare and
         private or military  10.6          -              -           65.6          76.2          76.4
       Medicaid               32.5         4.8            2.7          18.0           8.0           5.0
         Both medicaid and 
         medicare              9.6          -              -           15.7           7.5           4.0
No health insurance           17.2        16.3           15.4           0.6           0.4           1.2

Not a high school graduate    32.6        15.0           10.7          46.2          34.6          25.9
High school graduate          34.8        34.6           30.7          28.8          33.6          35.4
Some college                  23.2        32.3           30.1          16.2          18.6          21.1
College graduate               9.4        18.2           28.5           8.8          13.2          17.6
Cash assistance               24.4         2.6            1.2          11.0           4.4           2.6
       SSI                    20.3          -              -           10.7           4.1           2.5
       Other cash assistance   5.8         2.6            1.2           0.6           0.4           0.1
Food stamps                   16.2         3.8            2.1           6.7           2.3           1.3
Public/subsidized housing      9.2         2.8            1.9           7.2           3.7           1.9

Less than $20,000             80.2        50.1           43.7          83.5          72.6          68.4
$20,000 to $39,999            14.0        31.8           32.5          13.1          21.3          22.9
$40,000 to $59,999             3.6        11.3           13.3           2.4           3.5           5.1
$60,000 to $79,999             1.4         3.7            5.6           0.7           1.6           1.6
$80,000 and over               0.9         3.0            4.9           0.4           1.0           2.1

                                                       Disability status by Age
                                   25 to 64 years old                             65 years old and over
                             Severe       Not          None           Severe          Not          None
                                        severe                                      severe

Less than $20,000            41.8        19.6          13.9            52.6          42.6          34.1
$20,000 to $39,999           29.3        28.3          26.0            28.7          34.8          37.6
$40,000 to $59,999           13.9        22.8          23.3            10.7          11.7          14.4
$60,000 to $79,999            7.2        13.8          15.9             4.1           5.6           6.9
$80,000 and over              7.9        15.6          20.9             3.9           5.3           7.0

In poverty                   27.9        10.4           8.3            16.6           9.1           6.9
Not in poverty               72.2        89.6          91.7            83.4          90.9          93.1

- Rounds to zero.  
1 The annual rate of income equals the income received during the four months preceding the 
interview month multiplied by 3.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division