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July 9, 2012: House Agriculture Committee Set to Act on 2012 Farm Bill - House to Vote to Repeal Obamacare - Unemployment Rate Exceeds 8% for 41st Month in a Row - Museums Free for Active-Duty Military and Families This Summer

-- Randy's Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

July 9, 2012

House Agriculture Committee Set to Act on 2012 Farm Bill

On Wednesday, the House Agriculture Committee will begin debate on the 2012 Farm Bill.  The House bill has some key differences from the version passed by the Senate.  It saves $35.1 billion dollars, which is $11 billion more than the Senate bill.  The House bill achieves those savings while still providing a safety net for all farmers to ensure that a few bad seasons don’t devastate their business.  Those savings are critical in our current budget crisis.  We’re eliminating direct payments to farmers and moving to a more market-oriented program of crop insurance.  We’re also improving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps.  By limiting loopholes and tightening eligibility requirements, we can save $16 billion dollars over ten years without taking a single calorie off the plate of someone who truly qualifies based on financial need.  You can learn more about the Farm Bill by visiting www.agriculture.house.gov/farmbill.

House to Vote to Repeal Obamacare

On Wednesday, the House will vote on the Repeal of Obamacare Act. The American people have voiced their opposition to Obamacare loud and clear, and House Republicans are listening. Unfortunately, that opposition falls on deaf ears in the Senate, which has refused to vote on over 30 bills to repeal part or all of Obamacare when sent over from the House. I will continue to remain a vocal opponent of Obamacare until it can be fully repealed.  We must reform our health care system to one that is affordable and accessible to those who most need it and does not burden small businesses and families with an individual mandate that I believe should not have been upheld by the Supreme Court. I will continue to closely monitor this situation as Congress continues to find ways to repeal this misguided law.

Unemployment Rate Exceeds 8% for 41st Month in a Row

On Friday, the U.S. Department of Labor announced that the economy added only 80,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate remained at 8.2 percent. This is the 41st straight month that unemployment is above 8 percent. While the President and Democrats celebrate the Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare, small businesses are struggling and millions of unemployed Americans still can’t find work. It is clear that bigger government is not the solution. Rather than throwing money at the problem, we must stop the out-of-control spending, get out of the way of small businesses and the private sector, and allow the economy to grow without government interference. I will continue to promote these policies in Congress, work to repeal the President’s health care law, and advocate for smaller government that helps, not harms the people it represents. I encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions with me on these important issues.

Museums Free for Active-Duty Military and Families This Summer

The Blue Star Museums program is offering free admission to active-duty military and their family members. The program runs from Memorial Day, May 28th, through Labor Day, September 3rd. There are many museums in the 19th District of Texas participating in this program. You can find a list of them here. This is an opportunity to show a small token of gratitude to active-duty military men and women, who sacrifice every day for our freedom.