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April 9, 2012: Job-Killing Regulations - 19th District Events - National Honor Flight Scheduled from Lubbock to Washington, DC - 2012 Congressional Art Competition

-- Randy's Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

April 9, 2012

Job-Killing Regulations

On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced that our unemployment rate is 8.2%.  March was the 38th consecutive month the unemployment rate has been over 8%. To date, House Republicans have passed 27 bipartisan jobs bills that are currently sitting in the Senate awaiting action. President Obama and Congressional Democrats continue to talk about bipartisan action to grow the economy, while the House of Representatives is acting to help small businesses and families.

When asked why small businesses aren't creating jobs, I often hear about the restrictive regulations being imposed by the Obama Administration which are simply killing jobs. I am committed to helping small businesses, the true job creators in our country, by creating a healthy economic environment that will allow them to generate jobs. If you have an opinion regarding government and government regulations, please click here to share your views.

19th District Events

Today in Levelland, I had a very productive roundtable discussion with local officials and community leaders about the state of the local economy. I also toured the Mallet Event Center and Arena, as well as Independent Electric, Inc., a small business in Levelland.  Later this week, I will attend a South Plains Association of Governments (SPAG) Board Meeting to provide a legislative update about issues affecting the 19th District of Texas. Next week, I will be in Abilene for the World's Largest Barbeque.

National Honor Flight Scheduled from Lubbock to Washington, DC

Recently, the “National Honor Flight” organization scheduled the first Honor Flight from Lubbock, TX to Washington, DC. National Honor Flight sends World War II veterans from around the country to Washington, DC to experience the WWII Memorial built to honor their service and sacrifice. Nationally, there are 3,000,000 such survivors, and 2,500-3,000 of these brave men and women live in the South Plains area. Last April, Honor Flight sent WWII veterans from Abilene to Washington, DC. I am honored to be involved in this process, and privileged to be able to visit with members of the “Greatest Generation.” As more details regarding this significant event becomes available, I will be sure to update you.

2012 Congressional Art Competition

Each spring, the U.S. House of Representatives hosts the Congressional Art Competition, “An Artistic Discovery.” Held annually since 1982, this nationwide competition has allowed each Congressional District to highlight the outstanding artistic achievement of a talented student artist in each congressional district. The winning entry will be displayed in the Cannon Tunnel in the United States Capitol for one year. This is an exciting way for high school students to showcase their artistic talents and creativity and to represent West Texas and the Big Country. If you know a high school student who might be interested in this opportunity, visit my website for more information.