Read the Handbook

You can request a printed version of the handbook and DVD, or you can view the entire handbook on this website. Read the FAQ for details on ordering a hard copy of the handbook.

Download the entire Defense Contingency Contracting Handbook as a PDF (6MB). You can also download each chapter individually, or download the Critical Checklists found in the back of the book, by using the links below.

Read the Handbook

Handbook Cover

Download the Entire Handbook (PDF 6MB)

CH1 Cover

CH 1 Ethics
(Web | PDF)

CH2 Cover

CH 2 Authorities and Structure
(Web | PDF)

CH3 Cover

CH 3 Contingency Funding
(Web | PDF)

CH4 Cover

CH 4 Planning and Guidance
(Web | PDF)

CH5 Cover

CH 5 Contracting Processes
(Web | PDF)

CH6 Cover

CH 6 Contract Administration
(Web | PDF)

CH7 Cover

CH 7 Protests and Appeals
(Web | PDF)

CH8 Cover

CH 8 Cultural Awareness
(Web | PDF)

CH9 Cover

CH 9 Disaster Response
(Web | PDF)


Additional Web-Only Material
(Web Only)

CH10 Cover

Appendices 1-4
(Web | PDF)

CH11 Cover

Critical Checklists
(Web | PDF)


Acknowledgements and Foreword



This page last updated: October 9, 2012
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