
The CDSE Education Division offers courses designed specifically to develop leaders for the DoD security community. These courses are similar in scope to college and graduate level courses. Most courses are a semester long. Courses are delivered using a collaborative online learning environment, making them available to U.S. military members and government employees worldwide. Some courses also include opportunities for mid-career security professionals to study and learn together in a classroom setting for part of the semester. No tuition or fees are required to take CDSE courses; however, some courses require the purchase of textbooks.

About CDSE's Security Professional Education Program

Working with subject matter experts from throughout the Department of Defense and the academic community, the Education Division has established a curriculum of courses designed specifically to prepare DoD security specialists for leadership positions and responsibilities. PDF icon Read the video transcript.

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College credit recommendations
CDSE Security Professional Education courses will be submitted to the American Council on Education (ACE) to be reviewed for college credit equivalency recommendations. These new courses have not yet been reviewed by ACE.

Transfer of credit recommendations
ACE College and University network institutions are located across the U.S., and these institutions have the discretion to accept ACE credit recomendations as college credit within a degree program.

Masters Degree program
CDSE does not confer degrees at this time. Future accreditation by a regional accrediting authority may allow the Security Professional Education curriculum to be the basis for granting a Master's degree.

Interactive online courses
Courses are delivered using a collaborative online learning environment, making them available to U.S. military members and government employees worldwide. This method of delivery allows students to interact with each other and with a subject-matter expert instructor without the cost and inconvenience of travel.

Blended learning courses
In addition to collaborative online learning, some courses also include opportunities for mid-career security professionals to study and learn together in a classroom setting for part of the semester.