Instructions for Filling Out Applications

The information below lists things you’ll need to prepare for filling out your application and evidence you’ll need to mail separately as supporting documentation.

Filling out a VA Form 21-526 , Veteran’s Application for Compensation and/or Pension

Filling out a VA Form 28-1900 , Disabled Veteran’s Application for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment

Filling out a VA Form 22-1990 , Application for Education Benefits

VA Form 21-526

Information to Prepare Answers

Evidence to Send VA

1. Active Duty, Reserve Duty or National Guard Duty information

  • dates and places you entered and left duty
  • mailing addresses of units you served in
2. List of military benefits you receive and amounts

Your DD214 or other separation papers for all periods of service unless you are filing a Benefits Delivery at Discharge or Quick Start claim while on active duty or full-time duty.

Click here for VA's Predischarge Program website.

3.  List of disabilities you are claiming, including

  • treatment dates in service
  • name and address of the medical facility
4.  Information about any exposures that caused the disabilities you are claiming, including dates that you were exposed

Copies of medical records you have

Medical evidence showing you currently have this disability

Medical evidence indicating that the disability was caused by or arose during your active service

If you are filing a Benefits Delivery at Discharge or Quick Start claim, you must send a copy, or original, of your service treatment records to the specified Regional Office to process your claim.  Please call toll-free 1-800-827-1000 for the address to send your service treatment records.

5.  Information about your current spouse, including his/her Social Security number (and VA file number if he/she is a veteran)

6.  Information about you and your spouse’s previous marriages including dates and places of those marriages and the dates and places those marriages ended

7.  Information about the children who live with you, including their names, Social Security numbers, dates and places of birth

8.  Information about children not living with you, including their names, dates and places of birth, Social Security numbers, and amounts that you contribute in child support for them

Copies of your marriage certificate and all divorce decrees (May be required in some cases)

Copies of the public birth records for each child you claim as a dependent (May be required in some cases)

Copies of the court records for adoption for each adopted child

9.  Information about your training and employment history for the past year, including

  • name and address of employers
  • beginning and ending dates of employment

10.  Information about your nurs