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Safety and Environmental Overview


  • Principal staff advisor to the Command on Safety & Occupational Health matters.
  • Formulates and establishes Command safety policies and procedures.
  • Manages the USAMRMC Biological, Chemical Surety, Radiation Protection, and System Safety Management programs.
  • Reviews/coordinates intramural and extramural contracts for compliance with Army regulations.
  • Career program manager for safety and occupational health professionals.
  • Conducts site visits and advises unit commanders on laboratory safety.

Regulations, Policies & Requirements

  • Safety Requirements
    for Contracts, Grants and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements
    • Facility Safety Plan
      • Approved Institutions (290 KB)
      • Research Proposal Safety Information (194 KB)

        Please click the "Research Proposal Safety Information" link to access the following:

        Institution Safety Manager's/Director's Assurance statement that hazards described in the proposal have been identified, eliminated, and/or controlled in such a manner to provide for a safe research laboratory environment.

        PI's Assurance statement that he/she shall adhere to the institutional safety and occupational health program policies and procedures, and Statement that PI is responsible and liable for all aspects of safety and occupational health specific to research protocol.

        Description of Safety Program (Committee, Chemical Hygiene Plan, HAZCOM, Blood borne Pathogen, Radiation)

        Hazard Analysis (Biological Program, based on MCE)

  • Regulations & Policies

Resources for Information

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Attention: External Activities Program
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
(404) 639-4418
National Institutes of Health
Attention: Division of Safety
Bethesda, Maryland 20205
(301) 496-1357
U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue
1-800-321-OSHA (6742)

Other Links

Last Modified Date: 09-Oct-2012