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Prior Service

On average how long does it take a prior service (PS) enlisted member to re-enter the Air Force?

From the point the PS member contacts the recruiter in person, re-entry into the AF it takes an average of:

1-2 months for Direct Duty Applicants (DDA), individuals whose job skills and years of service have been identified for re-entry. Re-entry time could take longer depending on any issues with gathering required documentation, required waivers, or medical qualification.

3-4 months for Retraining Applicants, individuals who desire to re-enter into a different job skill, whose former job skill has not been identified by AF/A1 to re-enter, or who is a PS Sister Service member. Re-entry time could take longer based on reasons above, as well as retraining job skill start training date.

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Is the Air Force taking Prior Service (PS)?

The Prior Service (PS) enlistment program allows a select number of separated individuals to return to active duty through Direct Duty and select retraining opportunities. This program is separated into three categories: Category I - return without consideration of years of service (YOS), Category II - YOS restriction and Category III - retraining.
Note: Previous Service, Res Res and NDT are not active programs.

Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements in AFRSI 36-2001, chapter 9. The PS program applies to any applicant who graduated from any service's (Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, or Coast Guard) basic military training (BMT).
Note: If any applicant has not completed basic military training (for any service), they are considered non-prior service and will require a RE Code eligibility determination to continue processing.

The PS program will access a total of 250 applicants during FY13. The total accession is subject to change based on Air Force needs.

A PS required skills list (PSRSL matrix) of select AFSC's is updated quarterly and posted on AF Portal.

  1. Individuals who graduated from BMT (all services) but have not completed any tech training (technical school, AIT, etc.) are only authorized to apply for retraining.
  2. All applicants (regardless of regular component or reserve component) applying for retraining must retest and meet current ASVAB AFQT and aptitude score standards.
  3. 1C2X1, 1T2X1 and 1W0X2 applicants require a CFM review.

Use the PS Determination (PSD) checklist to determine the required documents for a PSD submission. Groups will forward complete PSD's to AFRS for review and approval.
Note: Eligibility consideration may be given for AF applicants who are NCS with a Reenlistment Eligibility (RE) code other than 1 or an applicant separated during technical training with an RE code of 2C.

  1. National Call to Service (NCS) PS applicants with an RE code of 3A and MBK separation code may return to active duty without and eligibility determination if all other eligibility requirements are satisfied.
  2. AF RS code 2C - applicants must provide either a copy of the letter of notification for separation or AETC form 125A, record of Administrative Training Actions for determination of eligibility to re-enter active duty, Request for approval and required documents should be sent through the waiver process to AFRS/RSOP for eligibility determination. If the applicant does not have a copy of either document, they must request a copy from National Personnel Record Center Military Personnel Records, at Only those with an SPD code of JCC, JGA, JGH, or JHJ will be considered.
  3. If an individual was separated from the military due to homosexual conduct with an RE code of 2,3, or 4 and SPD code is for homosexual conduct only, the individual is eligible to re-enter in accordance with the current PS program guidance.

AFRS Group Commanders (or may be delegated to the Deputy Group Commander) can approve PS applicants for return to active duty if they meet the following criteria:

  1. Applicant presents last five EPRs (prior Active Duty). EPRs shall have overall ratings of 5. The applicant may have an EPR with a rating of 4 included but should not be the most recent. If the applicant is guard or reserve, they must present a current Letter of Evaluation (LOE) or recommendation letter.
  2. Applicant ASVAB tested after 1 Jul 2001. Use DMDC line scores for sister service MOS conversions. See AFRSI 36-2001 para 9.11.2.
  3. Applicant must have been awarded and possessed a 5-skill level in the requested return AFSC within the last 4 years (AFI 36-2101 para and table 4.1). Retraining requests excluded.
  4. Applicant does not require a CFM review or an AFRS level waiver, ETP, or eligibility determination.

If the Group Commander is the final approval authority, the applicant is authorized to physical. Group Operations will forward the PSD to AFRS Job Bank for review once HIV/DAT and assignment choices are loaded in AFRISS.

If higher headquarters approval is required, applicants are not authorized to physical. Groups should forward applicable waiver, ETP, or eligibility determination to AFRS for review. AFRS will notify Group Operations when/if the applicant is authorized to physical. Groups will forward the PSD to AFRS Job Ban for review once HIV/DAT and assignment choices are loaded.
Note: MOS conversions require CFM review. Applicants must have performed duty in the convertible skill within the past 18 months.

For BSRP applicants to be eligible for a reenlistment bonus they must reenlist within three months of discharge (see AFI 36-2606 para 2.5.3).

HQ AFCP confirms all DOR adjustments.

Prior Service applicants will not be authorized to EAD until their orders have been reviewed and approved on EAD date by prior enlisted service section at AFRS.

Refer any prior service questions through your appropriate chain of command.

The Prior Service (PS) Line Officer (LO) program allows a select number of officers separated from the AF to return to active duty through Direct Duty Accession (DAA) and select retraining opportunities.

This program only applies to PS AF LO. Applicants currently serving in the guard or reserve are ineligible for this PS program due to a separate recall program managed by AFPC. The total accession is subject to change based on AF needs. PS LO program requirements are determined by AFPC/DPSIP.

Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements in AFRSI 36-2001.
Note: If an individual was separated from the military due to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) and their SPD code is for a discharge under DADT only, the individual is eligible to apply in accordance with the current PS program guidance.

  1. Once applicant is pre-qualified, name SSN, AFSC, and education completed since separation will be forwarded to AFRS/RSOCL.
  2. AFRS/RSOCL will submit to AFPC/DPSIP to determine if a DDA or retraining opportunity exists.
  3. HQ AFRS/RSOCL will notify the recruiter when LO applicant is authorized to complete processing.
  4. Al applicable waivers, ETP, or eligibility determinations are handled in accordance with current policy.

If approved by AFPC/DPSIP, applicants will be continued to process using the IAW LO processing checklist. Listed below are added highlights:

  1. Applicants must present all officer performance reports with the final applications to HQ AFRS. Copies of performance reports may be obtained from the National Personnel Record Center, Military Personnel Records at
  2. There is no requirement to retake the AFOQT.
  3. Skill level and DOR adjustments are confirmed by AFPC/DPSIP.
  4. Squadron will forward the PS package to AFRS/RSOCL for review once HIV/DAT and assignment choices are loaded into AFRISS.

Re-commissioning date will not be scheduled until after the applicant package is SCROLL approved. PS LO applicants will not be authorized to EAD until their orders have been reviewed and approved by HQ AFPC/DPSIP.

Refer any LO PS questions through your appropriate chain of command.

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What are the qualifications for Prior Service enlistment?

First, we would need to see if your MOS/NEC or AFSC converts to an Air Force job we have available on our prior service skills listing for you to move into for this fiscal year. Secondly, your RE-Code must be a "1" to be eligible for the AF prior svc program, and lastly we are looking for specific year-groups of prior service members, for example: Someone who has prior service experience in Security Forces for 4, 5, 6, 12 or 15 years of "specific years in service". The Air Force recruiters should have this matrix available to them in order to qualify any member of any branch of service. You must have been separated at least 90-days to be eligible for this program. Please visit an AF recruiter with this information handy.

Please contact a recruiter nearest you for all of the details.

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Will I get a base of preference?

Prior Service applicants must list five bases where they'd like to be stationed. A prerequisite is there must be a need for your specialty at the base. Once you are qualified and there is an opening, you will be offered an assignment. Please keep in mind the needs of the Air Force come first.

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How do I transition into the Air Force from another branch?

For Officers: The first thing we recommend you do is to logon to this website, select CONTACT CENTER, and call the number listed and ask for interservice transfer:

For Enlisted: You must be completely separated from Active Duty service for a minimum of 90 days to qualify for the Air Force Prior Service Program

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Do Prior Service have a choice of job selection?

The US Air Force Prior Service program is currently open.

Prior Service is a direct duty assignment program, allowing a select number of separated individuals to return to active duty. You must hold an AFSC, MOS, or NEC, which will qualify, or directly convert to an Air Force Specialty. If not, the Air Force Prior Service program is not applicable to you.

Your Air Force Recruiter has a listing of jobs which we are currently looking for, based on years of service, and your successful qualifying.

Applicant must not have a break in service exceeding 6 years.

Applicant must have performed duties in the requested return AFSC during their last term of enlistment.

Applicant must not require a waiver, Exception to Policy (ETP), or eligibility determination to re-enter.

Please contact a recruiter nearest you for all of the details.

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Do prior service attend Air Force Basic Training?

No. The Air Force honors the basic training successfully completed as a member of any branch of the US Armed Forces.

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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If I have Prior Service, will I keep my rank?

Your rank is determined by an Air Force Liaison Counselor at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) according to current Air Force Instruction.

For more information on this subject, you can chat with one of our online advisers or click here to contact us and get in touch with your local recruiter.

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I am prior service other than Air Force…can I join?

The Prior Service (PS) enlistment program allows a select number of separated individuals to return to active duty through Direct Duty and select retraining opportunities. This program is separated into three categories: Category I - return without consideration of years of service (YOS), Category II - YOS restriction and Category III - retraining.
Note: Previous Service, Res Res and NDT are not active programs.

Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements in AFRSI 36-2001, chapter 9. The PS program applies to any applicant who graduated from any service's (Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, or Coast Guard) basic military training (BMT).
Note: If any applicant has not completed basic military training (for any service), they are considered non-prior service and will require a RE Code eligibility determination to continue processing.

The PS program will access a total of 250 applicants during FY12. The total accession is subject to change based on Air Force needs.

A PS required skills list (PSRSL matrix) of select AFSC's is updated quarterly and posted on AF Portal.

  1. Individuals who graduated from BMT (all services) but have not completed any tech training (technical school, AIT, etc.) are only authorized to apply for retraining.
  2. All applicants (regardless of regular component or reserve component) applying for retraining must retest and meet current ASVAB AFQT and aptitude score standards.
  3. 1C2X1, 1T2X1 and 1W0X2 applicants require a CFM review.

Use the PS Determination (PSD) checklist to determine the required documents for a PSD submission. Groups will forward complete PSD's to AFRS for review and approval.
Note: Eligibility consideration may be given for AF applicants who are NCS with a Reenlistment Eligibility (RE) code other than 1 or an applicant separated during technical training with an RE code of 2C.

  1. National Call to Service (NCS) PS applicants with an RE code of 3A and MBK separation code may return to active duty without and eligibility determination if all other eligibility requirements are satisfied.
  2. AF RS code 2C - applicants must provide either a copy of the letter of notification for separation or AETC form 125A, record of Administrative Training Actions for determination of eligibility to re-enter active duty, Request for approval and required documents should be sent through the waiver process to AFRS/RSOP for eligibility determination. If the applicant does not have a copy of either document, they must request a copy from National Personnel Record Center Military Personnel Records, at Only those with an SPD code of JCC, JGA, JGH, or JHJ will be considered.
  3. If an individual was separated from the military due to homosexual conduct with an RE code of 2,3, or 4 and SPD code is for homosexual conduct only, the individual is eligible to re-enter in accordance with the current PS program guidance.

AFRS Group Commanders (or may be delegated to the Deputy Group Commander) can approve PS applicants for return to active duty if they meet the following criteria:

  1. Applicant presents last five EPRs (prior Active Duty). EPRs shall have overall ratings of 5. The applicant may have an EPR with a rating of 4 included but should not be the most recent. If the applicant is guard or reserve, they must present a current Letter of Evaluation (LOE) or recommendation letter.
  2. Applicant ASVAB tested after 1 Jul 2001. Use DMDC line scores for sister service MOS conversions. See AFRSI 36-2001 para 9.11.2.
  3. Applicant must have been awarded and possessed a 5-skill level in the requested return AFSC within the last 4 years (AFI 36-2101 para and table 4.1). Retraining requests excluded.
  4. Applicant does not require a CFM review or an AFRS level waiver, ETP, or eligibility determination.

If the Group Commander is the final approval authority, the applicant is authorized to physical. Group Operations will forward the PSD to AFRS Job Bank for review once HIV/DAT and assignment choices are loaded in AFRISS.

If higher headquarters approval is required, applicants are not authorized to physical. Groups should forward applicable waiver, ETP, or eligibility determination to AFRS for review. AFRS will notify Group Operations when/if the applicant is authorized to physical. Groups will forward the PSD to AFRS Job Ban for review once HIV/DAT and assignment choices are loaded.
Note: MOS conversions require CFM review. Applicants must have performed duty in the convertible skill within the past 18 months.

For BSRP applicants to be eligible for a reenlistment bonus they must reenlist within three months of discharge (see AFI 36-2606 para 2.5.3).

HQ AFCP confirms all DOR adjustments.

Prior Service applicants will not be authorized to EAD until their orders have been reviewed and approved on EAD date by prior enlisted service section at AFRS.

Refer any prior service questions through your appropriate chain of command.

The Prior Service (PS) Line Officer (LO) program allows a select number of officers separated from the AF to return to active duty through Direct Duty Accession (DAA) and select retraining opportunities.

This program only applies to PS AF LO. Applicants currently serving in the guard or reserve are ineligible for this PS program due to a separate recall program managed by AFPC. The total accession is subject to change based on AF needs. PS LO program requirements are determined by AFPC/DPSIP.

Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements in AFRSI 36-2001.
Note: If an individual was separated from the military due to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) and their SPD code is for a discharge under DADT only, the individual is eligible to apply in accordance with the current PS program guidance.

  1. Once applicant is pre-qualified, name SSN, AFSC, and education completed since separation will be forwarded to AFRS/RSOCL.
  2. Once applicant is pre-qualified, name SSN, AFSC, and education completed since separation will be forwarded to AFRS/RSOCL.
  3. HQ AFRS/RSOCL will notify the recruiter when LO applicant is authorized to complete processing.
  4. Al applicable waivers, ETP, or eligibility determinations are handled in accordance with current policy.

If approved by AFPC/DPSIP, applicants will be continued to process using the IAW LO processing checklist. Listed below are added highlights:

  1. Applicants must present all officer performance reports with the final applications to HQ AFRS. Copies of performance reports may be obtained from the National Personnel Record Center, Military Personnel Records at
  2. There is no requirement to retake the AFOQT.
  3. Skill level and DOR adjustments are confirmed by AFPC/DPSIP.
  4. Squadron will forward the PS package to AFRS/RSOCL for review once HIV/DAT and assignment choices are loaded into AFRISS.

Re-commissioning date will not be scheduled until after the applicant package is SCROLL approved. PS LO applicants will not be authorized to EAD until their orders have been reviewed and approved by HQ AFPC/DPSIP.

Refer any LO PS questions through your appropriate chain of command.

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How can I obtain copies of my military records?

Individual military departments, including the Air Force do not maintain files or records pertaining to individuals no longer on active duty. When an individual is separated from military service (because of retirement, discharge from active duty, or death), his/her Field Personnel File (containing all military and health records) is forwarded for storage to the National Personnel Records Center (Military).

Former active-duty Airmen who retired or separated on or after Oct. 1, 2004 can request copies of records such as DD Form 214's, performance reports and other information by writing or faxing:

AFPC/DPFFCMP 550 C St. West, Suite 19 Randolph AFB, TX 78150 Fax: Commercial (210)565-4021, DSN: 665-4021

People requesting their own records need to send a signed letter that includes: