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Earn College Credit for DCITA Training Courses

The Defense Cyber Investigations Training Academy (DCITA) received college credit recommendations from the American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE) for seven courses. The American Council on Education is the major national coordinating body for postsecondary education.

ACE selects college faculty members to review and make credit recommendations for formal educational programs and courses offered by various training organizations. Its credit recommendations are intended to guide colleges and universities as they consider awarding such credit. ACE reviews all courses according to standardized policies and procedures and therefore has a consistent review process that is accepted by colleges and universities as non-partial and credible.

As a result of the ACE reviews, DCITA is now authorized to use the ACE college credit recommendations made for the following courses:

  • Advanced Forensic Concepts (AFC)
  • Basic Cyber Investigations Course (BCIC)
  • Computer Incident Responders Course (CIRC), formerly IRC
  • Deployable Forensics (DEF)
  • Forensics and Intrusions in a Windows Environment (FIWE)
  • Forensics and Intrusions in a Linux Environment (FILE)
  • Introduction to Networks and Computer Hardware (INCH)
  • Live Network Investigations (LNI)
  • Macintosh Forensic Examinations (MCFE)
  • Network Monitoring Course (NMC)
  • Windows Forensic Examinations - EnCase (WFE-E)

View DCITA courses on the ACE website at:

ACE recognizes these courses as college level courses. Persons who are enrolled in degree programs at a postsecondary institution such as a college or university can submit an ACE transcript to their faculty advisor for consideration of transfer credit. Each college sets its own policies for granting transfer credit. You should check with your faculty advisor for guidance on transfer credits for your program.

ACE Transcript Service

For the benefit of our students who have successfully passed Academy courses, DCITA participates in the American Council on Education’s (ACE) Transcript Service. Students can request course transcripts from the ACE Transcript Service Web site at:


ACE Transcript Service Contacts

American Council on Education College Credit Recommendation and Transcript Service
One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 250
Washington, DC 20036-1193

Phone: 866-641-2099 (toll free)    Email: credit@ace.nche.edu
Student Registration: https://www.acenet.edu/transcripts/register
DCITA Registrar: 410-981-1165