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NASA Office of Small Business Programs, Where Small Business Makes a Big Difference

Associate Administrator's
Welcome Message

Glen A. Delgado
Greetings and welcome to the NASA Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) Web site. NASA is committed to providing all categories of small businesses an opportunity to participate in both NASA prime contracts and subcontracts. To do this we need to ensure that the lines of communication are open and effective. This Web site is key to that open communication.

Glenn A. Delgado
Associate Administrator

Read Full Bio

Glenn's Blog

Locate a Small Business Specialist


NASA Acquisition Forecast

Forecast chart
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    Did you know

    Small businesses played a pivotal role in the success of Curiosity’s mission to Mars?

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    Save the Date!

    2013 JPL
    High-Tech Conference

    March 5-6, 2013
    Los Angeles, CA
    More information to follow at

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    Save the Date! Women-Owned
    Small Business
    Industry Day

    Tuesday, February 5, 2013.
    9:00 AM–3:00 PM (PST)
    Hosted by NASA Ames Research Center,
    Moffett Field, CA
    Register for the event!

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    Did you know

    Small businesses employ about half of all private-sector employees?

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    NASA Office of Small Business
    Photo Galleries

    See what's new with OSBP!

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    Did you know

    small businesses pay 43% of the total U.S. private payroll?

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    NASA Vendor

    The NASA Vendor Data Base (NVDB) is open to all vendors, both large and small, who wish to do business with NASA. Post capability briefs and register to receive email updates regarding Sources Sought Notices, Requests for Information (RFIs), or Request for Proposals (RFPs), the Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) quarterly newsletter, Outreach event notifications, and much, much more!

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