Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics & Materiel Readiness

Welcome to Logistics and Materiel Readiness

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness serves as the principal staff assistant and advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics (USD(AT&L)), Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF), and Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) on logistics and materiel readiness in the Department of Defense (DoD) and is the principal logistics official within the senior management.

L&MR Organizations
Maintenance Policy & Programs Resource Management
Materiel Readiness Supply Chain Integration
Program Support Transportation Policy
News You Can Use

black bulletASD(L&MR) interview by Defense AT&L Magazine

black bulletJuly CENTCOM Quarterly Contractor Census Report

black bulletAlan F. Estevez appointed as ASD(L&MR)

black bulletDoD Logistics Strategic Plan

black bulletFinal Section 854 Report to Congress

Quick Links

black bulletAIT (formerly RFID)

black bulletDefense Logistics Agency (DLA)

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