Patriot Express Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Who is eligible to use the PE?
A1: The PE is open to all DOD personnel and family members on assignment to Germany or currently in Germany with an assignment back to the Continental United States.

Q2: How do I schedule a PE flight?
A2: Contact your local SATO travel office to schedule a PE flight.

Q3: What is the flight schedule?
A3: Flights will leave BWI on a Monday, arrive at RAB on Tuesday and return to BWI the same day.

Q4: Can I use the PE for TDY?
A4: Yes. The PE will be the first option of travel when making PCS or TDY arrangements to the Continental United States. When booking travel through SATO, the agent will first check the availability of the PE. If there are vacant seats and the date of the flight meets mission requirements, then the PE will be the mode of travel. If the PE is not an option, then customers will be booked on a commercial flight.

Q5: Will it be more convenient for me to fly into RAB then it was to Frankfurt?
A5: Yes. The team at RAB will track the flights from BWI and will know of any travel delays. They will meet you regardless of arrival time, help you clear customs, and arrange military transportation to your new duty station. The goal is for all new US Army in Europe employees to spend their first night in Germany in their new community.

Q6: Will my sponsor still pick me up from the airport when PCSing to Germany?
A6: No. Sponsors are not authorized to pick up incoming personnel from RAB, instead, transportation will be in place to bring you to your area of assignment so you can spend your first night in your new community.

Q7: Can the PE be used for space available travel?
A7: Yes. The PE will allow the Air mobility Command at RAB and BWI to use available seats for space-available travel, which will aid personnel on leave status with travel to and from Germany and the Baltimore and D.C. areas.

Q8: What if I am traveling with pets?
A8: People traveling with pets should notice a significant savings; although cost for pet travel from the current duty station to BWI will vary based on airline and origin of travel, the cost for the international leg of the flight is expected to average approximately $110 per pet. And, a veterinarian on duty at the Reception Operations at RAB will review documents to clear pets to enter Germany. There is a two pet limit when traveling on the Patriot Express.

Q9: How many bags am I allowed and what is the weight allowance?
A9: Passengers authorized to check two pieces of baggage, each weighing up to 70 pounds

Q10: My husband is already stationed in Heidelberg, Germany and I plan on going over there whenever my paperwork is ready, which should be soon. Does he have to fly with me in order for me to use the Patriot Express flight?

A10: No, your husband does not have to fly with you in order to use the Patriot Express flight. Any military ID card holder can fly on the Patriot Express provided there are an adequate number of seats still available on a flight.

Q11: Will my cat be able to fly in the cabin with me?

A11: Recommend that you contact the Ramstein AB Passenger Terminal for further information about pet travel on the Patriot Express at DSN: (314) 479-4440, Comm. from Germany: 06371-46-4440, Comm. from USA: 011-49-6371-46-4440, or email address:


For more information on Patriot Express:




DSN: (314) 479-4440

Commercial from Germany: 06371-46-4440

Commercial from USA: 011-49-6371-46-4440