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Customer Resources

ECBC's team of experienced scientists, engineers, and technicians provide a full compliment of materiel management assistance ranging from risk management, to agent detection, testing and decontamination. Leveraging more than 85 years of experience in chemical and biological defense, we support protection of the warfighter and U.S. interests. Our deliverables are safe, reliable and driven by performance, schedule, and our commitment to quality service.

If you are in need of ECBC's services, doing business with us has never been easier. We have in place a variety of agreements and funding mechanisms that can be rapidly activated through our technology transfer program so you can readily access our expertise and facilities. See for yourself the support we can provide to meet your programmatic objectives in homeland security and chemical/biological defense.



As a research, development and engineering center, ECBC provides life-cycle support for equipment and procedures that enhance warfighter survival and mission capability in environments that are contaminated by CB warfare agents. The life-cycle begins with the identification of problems that cannot be addressed by existing technology and equipment. At that point, novel concepts are identified and evaluated to address the capability gap and developed into a candidate system that meets user requirements. ECBC’s support is available to other government agencies (OGA) and commercial entities as they address the challenges of defending and securing the homeland. The Center maintains a broad portfolio across the lifecycle, mainly in the CBrne arena; however, due to its close proximity to the test activities at Aberdeen Proving Ground, ECBC actively assists in other areas.

The Center uniquely serves a joint service, multi-agency, and private sector customer base with a range of basic and applied research, technology development, engineering design, equipment evaluation, product support, sustainment, field operations, and demilitarization solutions. This diversity of clients, products, and solutions makes ECBC a national CBRNE asset. ECBC is defined by its clients and the missions they serve. The center offers the following Critical Core Capabilities to its customers:

Critical Research Capabilities

  • Chemistry and Bioscience of CB Warfare
  • Inhalation Toxicology
  • Aerosol Physics
  • Filtration Sciences
  • CB Agent Spectroscopy/Algorithm Development
  • OPCW Laboratory
  • Emerging Threat Science Technology & Testing

Critical Operations Capabilities

  • CB Agent Handling and Surety
  • Chemical Munitions Field Operations
  • U.S. Single Small-Scale Facility


Critical Engineering Capabilities

  • Lifecycle CB Materiel Acquisition
  • Full- Service CB Testing
  • CB Concept-Through Sustainment Solutions



Major 2010 ECBC Customers:

  • Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and
  • Biological Defense
  • Defense Threat Reduction Agency
  • U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency
  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • U.S. Army Reserve Command
  • Private Industry
  • Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization
  • U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command
  • Pine Bluff Arsenal
  • U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Lab
  • Program Executive Office for Ground Combat Systems
  • U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center
  • Night Vision and Electronics Sensor Directorate at Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center
  • U.S. Air Force
  • Project Manager, Heavy Tactical Vehicles
  • U.S. Army, Program Manager for Close Combat Systems
  • U.S. Navy
  • National Guard Intelligence Center
  • Environmental Protection Agency







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