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The Latest on Speaker Pelosi's Health Care Bill

-- Randy’s Roundup --

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

November 2, 2009

The Latest on Speaker Pelosi's Health Care Bill

Last week, Speaker Pelosi introduced the long-awaited final draft of her health care reform bill. H.R. 3962 weighs in at 1,990 pages, which is 620 pages longer than the government takeover of health care Hillary Clinton proposed in 1993.  

A preliminary analysis by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that the true cost of the bill is $1.3 trillion. Buried within this bill are details that would add massive federal involvement in the health care of every American, including the following: creation of a government-run insurance program that could cause as many as 114 million Americans to lose their current coverage; elimination of the private market for individual health insurance; taxes on all Americans who purchase insurance, individuals who don’t purchase insurance, and millions of small businesses; and cuts to Medicare Advantage plans that will result in higher premiums.

Believe it or not, there are also a number of questionable provisions included in this massive bill. Here are just a few:

  • In deciphering the ins and outs of the new health care system, Americans will have to get familiar with a host of new czars and bureaucrats, including the Health Benefits Advisory Committee (Sec. 223), the Health Choices Administration and the Health Choices Commissioner (Sec. 241).
  • It permits federal funds to be spent on abortion services (Sec. 222).
  • Community organizations like ACORN may assist the Health Choices Commissioner in enrolling individuals in the Health Insurance Exchange (Sec. 305).

These are the hard facts that you need to know about this proposal. As we continue to read through this massive piece of legislation, I will continue delivering updates on randy.house.gov as more details are revealed. To read H.R. 3962 click here.

Alternatives to H.R. 3962

As we move closer to a vote in the House, I wanted to provide you with an update on what I am doing in an attempt to improve this flawed legislation. In the past months, I have heard the overwhelming opposition of the people of the 19th District to a government takeover of the health care system. I agree. Medicine should not be rationed by politics.

I am working on amendments that are positive, common-sense, changes to Speaker Pelosi’s plan that the American people can support. These issues include: allowing groups and small businesses to join together in order to lower costs of insurance plans; verifying citizenship of those applying for health care benefits; preventing our tax dollars from funding abortions, and guaranteeing that health savings accounts will be maintained.

House Republicans are also working on an alternative to this trillion dollar government-run plan. The Republican Alternative will lower overall health care costs and make it easier to receive quality, affordable coverage without increasing taxes on the American people or taking away their choices. Our alternative is based on four main points:  

1.    Let families and businesses buy health insurance across state lines;

2.    Allow individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, the same way large corporations and labor unions do today;

3.    Give states the tools to create their own innovative reforms that lower health care costs; and

4.    End junk lawsuits that contribute to higher health care costs by increasing the number of tests and procedures that physicians sometimes order not because they think it is good medicine, but because they are afraid of being sued.

Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi continues to play politics with your health care by shutting Republicans out of this process.  I’ve had enough, and so have the American people. H.R. 3962 is not health care reform that empowers Americans to truly own and control their health coverage or reform that provides more choices, more competition, more innovation, and higher quality.

Congress must join with the American people and take a stand. We must come together to implement smart, fiscally responsible reforms to improve Americans’ health care. I stand beside my Republican colleagues ready to work on bipartisan solutions to health care reform.

I believe there is a better way.  You can read about Republican alternatives at healthcare.gop.gov.

“Question of the Week”

Do you believe each state should have the opportunity to create its own health care reforms in order to reduce costs?

Please visit my website to submit your answer to this week’s question.