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The Military Super Suit: Greater than its parts (October 18)
It’s all about coming together. The Army Research Laboratory (ARL) has collaborated with the U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) in piecing together one of the military’s most advanced chemical-biological defense systems for troops in combat: the Super Suit.

ACWA senior leader recognizes ECBC employees for partnership services (October 18)
Conrad Whyne, member of the Army’s Senior Executive Service and Program Executive Officer, Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives (PEO ACWA), thanked employees from the U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) for their continued partnership and support during an informal ceremony Oct.11.

ECBC Provides Stamp of Approval with Laboratory Performance Certification Program (September 26)
At a time when contractors and Government agencies face reduced budgets, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center’s (ECBC) Engineering Directorate Laboratory Performance Certification Program remains vigilant in holding contractor and Government testing facilities accountable to the highest standards of Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) and non-CBRN materiel testing. Lab Performance Certification is a product-specific program instituted by ECBC, which validates compliance with testing requirements of materiel and agents at Government and contractor test facilities. The certification covers a variety of CBRN and non-CBRN products on a non-exclusive basis.

Maryland State Police test gas masks at U.S. Army facility (September 10)
The U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) provided the Maryland State Police with a free service that tested their Millennium gas masks on Aug. 30. Twelve men from the Special Tactical Assault Team Element (STATE) completed multiple rounds of testing at ECBC’s Protection Factor Testing Facility in order to properly fit equipment that would be used in the event of a chemical biological attack.

ECBC recognized for women’s workforce initiatives (August 29)
For the second straight year, the Federal Women’s Program (FWP) honored the U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) at the Women’s Equality Day celebration on Aug. 21 for providing women with leadership opportunities that transcend career levels and bridge generational gaps.

Through the Smoke: Pyrotechnics and Explosives Branch Creates Safer Grenade for the Warfighter (July 11)
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) Engineering’s Pyrotechnics and Explosives Branch is making smoke grenades safer for the Warfighter. The branch is working to slow the burn rate and increase the yield factor of grenade smoke by revamping the screening smoke composition for the AN-M8 HC Screening Smoke Grenade.

ECBC Engineering's ADM Cuts Costs for Warfighter Training (June 14)
The United States Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center's Advanced Design and Manufacturing Division (ADM) embarked on a small training project a year and a half ago that has since expanded and amounted to dollars saved for the U.S. Army and the possibility of a new certification for the Warfighter.

Treats for Troops initiative sends care packages to service members (May 24)
For the third year in a row, employees from Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) sent care packages to service members stationed overseas through their Treats for Troops initiative.

ECBC and SAIC answer Army’s call for green technologies (May 16)
The U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) and contracting firm SAIC are answering the Army’s call for more green technologies to be developed by partnering to create the Tactical Garbage to Energy Refinery (TGER) 2.0 system.

ECBC Employees Honored with FEB Awards (May 14)
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) had four employees honored for their work at the ceremony. The Excellence in Federal Career Awards is held annually in conjunction with Public Service Recognition Week and highlights the extraordinary contributions made by Maryland's most deserving public sector employees

Army's Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, DHS and FBI make STEM lessons real (April 24)
Subject matter experts (SME) from the U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Laboratory collaborated for a teacher professional training. They immersed 17 Cecil County Public Schools (CCPS) middle school teachers in Math Forensics April 12-14.

ECBC engages commercial partner to drive economic growth (April 11)
The Edgewood Chemical Biological Center and Allied Minds Federal Innovations, Inc., entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement, or CRADA, in an April 9 signing ceremony at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.

Fifth National Bio-Threat Conference Focuses on Solving Real-World Problems (April 9)
The Fifth National Bio-Threat Conference, a collaborative interagency effort held March 27-29, provided a forum for dialogue between government, industry, academia, and first responders to address critical issues in environmental sampling, bio-detection, clinical diagnostics, and biosurveillance.

The Army's Edgewood Chemical Biological Center develops real 'sci-fi' technologies to counter emerging threats (March 15)
Focused to strengthen our Joint Force as they face emerging chemical and biological (CB) threats, the U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) is developing a highly skilled and adaptable technical workforce that generates and delivers some of the most cutting-edge solutions to our service members.

ECBC Supports Team CBRNE Efforts (March 13)
Edgewood Chemical Biological Center participated in two events hosted by the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD) March 9 and 12 at Downer Hall located at the Edgewood Area of Aberdeen Proving Ground.

Industrial College of the Armed Forces Visits ECBC (March 13)
Students and faculty of the National Defense University's Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF) visited Edgewood Chemical Biological Center March 9 to learn about the Center's specialized Biotechnology capabilities.

Federal Women's Program Celebrates Women's History Month (March 13)
In honor of Women's History Month, Aberdeen Proving Ground's (APG) Federal Women's Program celebrated female empowerment March 8 at the Edgewood Area of APG (APG-EA) with a full day of presentations and discussions.

ECBC's BioTechnology Branch Recognized by DoD for Standardization Efforts (March 12)
Four individuals from the U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center's (ECBC) BioTechnology Branch will be recognized by Stephen Welby, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering, during an awards ceremony on March 14, 2012, at the Pentagon in the Hall of Heroes.

Army engineer analyzes potential hazards to ensure safety (March 8)
U.S. Army Soldiers and civilians investigate buried munitions and suspected chemical or biological agents to ensure safe operations in the field. To strengthen their protection, engineers such as Ricardo Anderson scrutinize military equipment and programs for potential hazards.

ECBC 2011 Year in Review (March 6)
Nearly a Century of Providing Integrated Sciences, Technology and Engineering Solutions

ECBC scientist readies Soldiers' masks for chem-bio hazards (March 6)
Soldiers' protective masks must be ready for the unforeseen hazards of combat. The U.S. Army relies on the scientists of Edgewood Chemical Biological Center to design, engineer and test these critical items.

Engineering Test Division and the Permeation and Analytical Solutions Branch Ribbon Cutting Ceremony (March 2)
The Engineering Test Division (ETD) and the Permeation and Analytical Solutions Branch (PASB) hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony on 1 February to mark the unveiling of a new 26-cell Aerosol Vapor Liquid Assessment Group (AVLAG) permeation test system and a newly designed 282-flood cell test system.

ECBC scientist shields Soldiers from chemical agents (March 1)
To shield American Soldiers from emerging chemical threats in combat, the U.S. Army turns to scientists such as Frederick Cox and his team at Edgewood Chemical Biological Center.

Army engineer protects Soldiers from chemical threats (February 27)
A U.S. Army engineer from APG is enabling American Soldiers to detect and defeat their adversaries' arsenal of chemical agents.

ECBC's Advanced Design and Manufacturing Division Supports Development of Science and Technology Site in Afghanistan, Provides Field Assistance to Warfighter (February 23)
Despite having to hike three-eighths of a mile over gravel-filled pathways each day for meals, sleeping in an eight-person dormitory style room and having only outdoor bathrooms to use for three months, ECBC Advanced Design and Manufacturing's (ADM) Kevin Washok is thankful for what he calls "the opportunity of a lifetime."


ECBC Develops Novel Medium to Improve Mask Filtration (January 30)
ECBC scientists are using state-of-the-art nanotechnology and materials science to improve mask filtration.


ECBC Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory (January 21)
In 2011, ECBC celebrated the BSL-3 laboratory's 10th anniversary. The laboratory allows ECBC to conduct research on some of the most deadly CB warfare agents in the world.


Barcoded Spores Revolutionize Biosimulant Technology (January 20)
ECBC has been studying anthrax in varying forms for more than 10 years. Currently, the Center is creating distinctive, non-pathogenic Bacillus thuringiensis simulant strains to monitor how spores respond or persist when released into the environment.


ECBC Partners with University of Delaware to Improve Care for Wounded Warriors and Civilians (January 19)
The U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC) and the University of Delaware (UD) have entered into a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) to collaborate on an orthopedic rehabilitation project that will improve rehabilitative care for wounded warriors and civilians.


Packaging Branch Hosts First Part of Internal Knowledge Retention Series (Novermber 16)
At the end of 2011, the Packaging Branch will be losing two of their most influential team members - Nancy Waltman, Chief of the Packaging Branch, and Dean Hansen, a senior Packaging Specialist. Both Dean and Nancy are planning to retire.


ECBC-Rock Island Arsenal Welcomes First Army Headquarter, Gains Three-Star Command (November 11)
Rock Island Arsenal (RIA) demonstrates its ability to adapt to change by contributing to the Army's continuing efforts to reshape how the Army trains, deploys, supplies, equips and garrisons military personnel.




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