Eligibility Determinations (July 2012)

The Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS) maintains DoD personnel security clearance eligibilities. Listed below are eligibilities with their definition for industry and the procedures for the FSO. When eligibility is changed, an Eligibility Change Notification is sent to any Security Management Office (SMO) with an active owning or servicing relationship with the individual's Person Categories. An active owning relationship must exist in order for servicing SMOs to receive notifications.

Eligibility information includes the level of eligibility adjudicated by the government central adjudication facility (CAF). The FSO cannot change this information but if the FSO believes it is incorrect, please notify DISCO via the Research, Recertify, Upgrade (RRU) function. Remember, the employee may have eligibility at a higher level than what is recorded at your facility due to previous employment or military service. The employee may not be granted access to classified information at a level higher level than the facility clearance level.

Prior to indoctrinating access, the FSO should verify clearance eligibility by viewing information contained in the Adjudication Summary. This will ensure the individual's eligibility supports the access. If there is a question on eligibility levels, contact the DoD Security Services Center for advice on appropriate definitions or procedures.

Interim Secret Clearances

An interim Secret determination is based on a review and assessment of information contained in records or systems available to DISCO and the applicant's Questionnaire for National Security Positions, SF86. An interim determination will permit the individual to have access to most of the classified information needed to perform his or her duties. The interim determination is made concurrently with the requesting of the investigation from OPM and generally remains in effect until an investigation is completed, at which time the applicant is considered for a final eligibility.

In accordance with Executive Order 12968, "Access to Classified Information," August 2, 1995, and Department of Defense (DoD) Regulation 5200.2- R, "Personnel Security Program," January 1987, an official Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) will be completed on the applicant so that DISCO may obtain the necessary information and relevant facts upon which to base a determination for final eligibility. Upon completion of the required investigation, a final security clearance determination will be made as quickly as possible and the FSO will be notified through the JPAS process.

Interim Top Secret

When an individual is submitted for a Top Secret clearance, there are two ways to qualify for an interim TS eligibility:

  • Individual already has a valid eligibility of Secret or Confidential and favorable review of the investigation request
  • If there is no valid Secret or Confidential when DISCO receives a request for Top Secret, DISCO submits the investigation request to OPM. OPM will send the Advanced National Agency Check (NAC) results when completed and DISCO will review the NAC to determine interim Top Secret eligibility.

Eligibility Pending (effective August 1, 2012)

Indicates the investigation request has been received and reviewed for potentially posting an Interim Determination. When the requirements for an Interim determination have not been met, DISCO will post "Eligibility Pending" and defer adjudication until the completion of the requested investigation.

DISCO does not respond to verbal inquiries from applicants regarding their interim determinations. If JPAS reflects Eligibility Pending, the applicants may contact Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), ATTN: Privacy Act Office, P.O. Box 168, Boyers, PA 16020-0168 for information regarding their JPAS record. However, if the Eligibility field is blank, DISCO will accept a letter from the applicant (including their full name, Social Security Number and return address) sent directly to the DISCO Planning Office requesting the reason(s) DISCO is awaiting a completed investigation before posting an eligibility determination. The Applicant or FSO must provide a copy of the initial SF86 Archival version to include signature pages with the requesting letter. The letter and Archival SF86 should be sent to: Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office, Attn: Planning Office, 600 10th Street, Suite 160, Fort Meade, MD 20755-5117. DISCO can only respond to the applicant directly regarding privacy act information. Click here for guidelines that are considered during an interim determination, to include sample factors that could mitigate concerns or disqualify an individual for an interim clearance. Security clearance applicants should address any questions or concerns regarding a security clearance application or processing to their FSO. The FSO should contact the DoD Security Services Call Center for assistance if other questions arise.

Withdrawal of Interim Clearance Eligibility

There will be occasions where the interim determination will be withdrawn after it has been issued. In accordance with DoD policies, DISCO no longer sends industry hard copy notifications of an interim withdrawal; JPAS notifies entities with a servicing or owning relationship. In addition, DISCO sends notifications via the JPAS Send Message functionality to all SMOs where interim access is reflected in JCAVS. Remember, an active owning relationship must exist in order for servicing SMOs to receive notifications. The NISPOM cites a notification will be provided and the JPAS notification is the mechanism that provides the notification (e.g. ISL 05L -1, item 5, which advises that notifications will be via JPAS.)

Loss of Jurisdiction

When an individual has an eligibility of Loss of Jurisdiction, there is no eligibility, i.e. the individual should be debriefed and no access provided until an eligibility that supports access is entered by a CAF. Loss of Jurisdiction is usually posted when an individual has no affiliation with an Industry Facility.

A CAF, other than DOHA, determines that an individual no longer requires access to SCI. If the individual still requires access to Top Secret the FSO should notify DISCO via RRU. In this instance, the FSO should debrief and remove the individual from SCI access. The collateral access should remain in JPAS to ensure that the collateral clearance need is identified. Failure to leave the collateral access in JPAS, may result in discontinuance of processing.

No Determination Made

If an individual has an eligibility of "No Determination Made", there is no eligibility, i.e. the individual should be debriefed and no access provided until an eligibility that supports access is entered by a CAF. This eligibility type is primarily used when an individual fails to satisfy an official government request (non-compliance), for example:

  • DISCO asks for follow-up information and it has not been provided (15 days for most requests, 30 days for SF-86 requests)*
  • Suitability Determinations by DISCO and other CAFs

*Note: The previous eligibility will be reinstated once the official request is satisfied, provided there has not been a break in service longer than 24 months.

Position of Trust

This indicates the suitability of an individual for employment in a position of trust. Access to classified information is not required.

Denied or Revoked by DOHA

The individual does not hold a valid eligibility for access to classified information, therefore no access should be issued or access already provided should be removed.

Denied or Revoked for Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)

Paragraph 7-101e of DoD 5200.2-R, Personnel Security Program, provides for separate due process for SCI and collateral eligibility. There are some cases in which SCI eligibility is denied or revoked, but the individual still has Top Secret access. FSOs are not required to remove the collateral access until they are instructed to do so by DISCO or DOHA.