Committee Votes

The Sequesteration Transparency Act of 2012

1. Amendment Offered by Mr. Van Hollen. This amendment proposed replacing the $1.2 trillion sequester with an increase in taxes on domestic oil companies, U.S. businesses with international operations, and individuals with annual income greater than $1,000,000.  The amendment proposes to reduce spending by eliminating unspecified waste and duplicative programs; eliminating direct payments to farmers; reforming the Federal Flood Insurance Program; and selling unspecified federal property.  The amendment also proposes to increase spending on education, science, infrastructure, and the Internal Revenue Service to close the “tax gap.”
 Name & State  Aye No  Present   Name & State  Aye  No  Present 
 Paul Ryan (WI)    X    Chris Van Hollen (MD)    X    
 Scott Garrett (NJ)    X    Allyson Schwartz (PA)    X    
 Mike Simpson (ID)         Marcy Kaptur (OH)       
 John Campbell (CA)    X    Lloyd Doggett (TX)       
 Ken Calvert (CA)         Earl Blumenauer (OR)    X    
 Todd Akin (MO)      X     Betty McCollum (MN)       
 Tom Cole (OK)         John Yarmuth (KY)    X    
 Tom Price (GA)    X    Bill Pascrell (NJ)    X    
 Tom McClintock (CA)    X    Mike Honda (CA)       
 Jason Chaffetz (UT)    X    Tim Ryan (OH)    X    
 Marlin Stutzman (IN)    X    Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL)    X    
 James Lankford (OK)    X    Gwen Moore (WI)       
 Diane Black (TN)    X    Kathy Castor (FL)    X    
 Reid Ribble (WI)    X    Heath Shuler (NC)       
 Bill Flores (TX)    X    Karen Bass (CA)    X    
 Mick Mulvaney (SC)    X    Suzanne Bonamici (OR)    X    
 Tim Huelskamp (KS)    X          
 Todd Young (IN)    X          
 Justin Amash (MI)    X          
 Todd Rokita (IN)    X          
 Frank Guinta (NH)    X          
 Rob Woodall (GA)    X          

TOTALS: Aye: 10   No: 19

. Mr. Garrett made a motion that the committee report the bill as amended and that the bill do pass.

 Name & State  Aye No  Present   Name & State  Aye  No  Present 
 Paul Ryan (WI)    X      Chris Van Hollen (MD)    X    
 Scott Garrett (NJ)    X      Allyson Schwartz (PA)    X    
 Mike Simpson (ID)       Marcy Kaptur (OH)        
 John Campbell (CA)    X      Lloyd Doggett (TX)    X     
 Ken Calvert (CA)          Earl Blumenauer (OR)    X    
 Todd Akin (MO)    X      Betty McCollum (MN)       
 Tom Cole (OK)         John Yarmuth (KY)    X    
 Tom Price (GA)    X      Bill Pascrell (NJ)    X    
 Tom McClintock (CA)    X      Mike Honda (CA)          
 Jason Chaffetz (UT)    X      Tim Ryan (OH)    X     
 Marlin Stutzman (IN)    X      Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL)    X     
 James Lankford (OK)    X      Gwen Moore (WI)        
 Diane Black (TN)    X      Kathy Castor (FL)    X    
 Reid Ribble (WI)    X      Heath Shuler (NC)       
 Bill Flores (TX)    X      Karen Bass (CA)    X     
 Mick Mulvaney (SC)    X      Suzanne Bonamici (OR)    X    
 Tim Huelskamp (KS)    X            
 Todd Young (IN)    X            
 Justin Amash (MI)    X             
 Todd Rokita (IN)    X            
 Frank Guinta (NH)    X            
 Rob Woodall (GA)    X            

TOTALS: Aye: 30   No: 0 




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