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Biometric Standards

The Biometrics Identity Management Agency (BIMA) Standards Branch, within the Capabilities Integration Division, works in coordination with interagency partners to develop and facilitate the adoption of biometric standards to achieve interoperability and information sharing between biometric systems by addressing the following activities:

Standards Standards Development Testing and Toolsets Interagency Collaboration DOD Collaboration Adoption & Implementation Conformity Assessment

According to the DoD Directive 8521.01E the Standards Branch mission is to:

  • Provide for the standardization of biometric data formats, technical interfaces, conformance methodologies, performance evaluations and other related areas to permit interoperability, both internal and external, to the Department of Defense (DoD), and to maximize utilization of DoD resources. Additionally, its mission is to ensure consistency with approved national and/or international standards applicable to the enterprise and to communicate biometric technology standardization activities to Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), and National Institute of Standards & Technology for integration into overall DoD and USG IT standards processes.
  • Provide for participation on national and international standards bodies to influence and accelerate standards development.
  • Establish a DoD Biometrics Standards Working Group (BSWG) to coordinate and build consensus on biometrics standards development, recommend standards for DoD adoption and provide guidance for consistent standards implementation.
  • Submit recommendations for DoD adoption of published standards to DISA for review and approval.
  • Collaborate with interagency communities and mission partners to facilitate consistent implementation and use of biometric standards.
  • Provide for the development of quality measurement tools to facilitate interoperability, both internal and external, to the DoD.