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Mission / Purpose

Assess, develop, and coordinate DoD biometrics joint, interagency, and multinational (JIM) policies to support DoD Biometrics vision, mission, and goals.

Policy Section Overview

The Policy Team maintains cognizance of existing and emerging policy directly or indirectly related to biometrics. The team conducts research and analysis on these biometric policies to determine which policies already exist and which are in development, as well as their intent and impact on the Biometrics Identity Management Agency (BIMA) and the wider DoD biometrics program. In doing so, BIMA is able to properly orient itself toward its other mission sets by having a proper understanding of what policies affect those respective mission sets.

In addition, the Policy Team drafts policy on behalf of other responsible agents within the biometrics program, such as the Director, Defense Biometrics and the Joint Staff. The team drafts these policies based on its overall awareness of biometrics mission requirements combined with the team's historical knowledge of existing policy. Draft policies are then submitted to the respective entities for consideration and possible advancement throughout DoD.

Groups / Members Pertaining to this Section

The Policy Team works closely with various working groups and other entities. For example, the team is currently participating in the Joint Forces Command Capabilities Based Assessment Working Group, the National Counterterrorism Center Foreign Partner's Sub-group, and other information sharing meetings and working groups.


The Policy Team has contributed to several significant biometric policies released over the last few years within DoD. These include policy on sharing biometric data with interagency entities, sharing biometric data with Coalition forces and allies, collecting biometric data from U.S. persons in the CENTCOM AOR for force protection purposes, base access identity screening, and the DoD Directive on biometrics (currently in development).


  • Public Law 106-246, 13 Jul 2000
  • Department of Defense Chief Information Officer Memorandum - DoD Compliance with the Internationally Accepted Standard for Electronic Transmission and Storage of Fingerprint Data from 'Red Force' Personnel 2 Feb 2004
  • Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration, Director, Information Assurance Memorandum - Establishment of a DoD Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) 5 Aug 2004
  • Army Chief Information Officer/G-6, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) For Collecting and Processing Detainee Biometric Data 4 Mar 2005
  • Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum - Force Protection Identity Screening Policy for Base Access 29 Mar 2005
  • DoD Biometrics Management Office Memorandum - Interim Executive Agent Guidance on Ownership of Biometric Data Submitted to and Stored in the DoD Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) 15 Jul 2005
  • Army Chief Information Officer/G-6 Memorandum - Department of Defense Compliance with the Electronic Biometric Transmission Specification 29 Nov 2005
  • Deputy Under Secretary of the Army, Memorandum, Executive Agent Status on Biometrics, 14 Jun 2006
  • Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, Defense Biometrics, 4 Oct 2006
  • Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, Sharing of Biometric Data and Associated Information from Non-U.S. Persons with Coalition Forces and Allies 10 Jan 2007
  • Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, Sharing of DoD Biometric Data and Associated Unclassified Information from Non-U.S. Persons with Interagency Entities 10 Jan 2007
  • Homeland Security Presidential Directive 24 (HSPD-24), Biometrics for Identification and Screening to Enhance National Security, 5 Jun 2008