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Star Talk With Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Unleash the geek in you as you listen to renowned astrophysicist and all-around Internet superhero Neil Degrasse Tyson on Star Talk!

Hosted by the good doc himself, Star Talk is a show where space-age science, pop culture and comedy all come together and form one educational and of course very entertaining podcast show about the ‘final frontier’.

Oh, and if audio podcasts isn’t your thing, then perhaps maybe a video feed over at YouTube will do? That’s right, you can now also get your dose of NDT’s podcast in video format under Chris Hardwick’s Nerdist channel in YouTube. The series, which debuted on November 1st is set up as an on-the-dot reproduction of his podcast and is scheduled to be shown every Thursday. This definitely will make a great addition to your science podcast favorites!

NBA Today Podcast: 11/1 episode

In this ESPN’s NBA Today Podcast episode, host Adam Stanco features one of the best pointguards in college history and an impressive NBA career Jay Williams. They talk about the life of a rookie playing in the league, how the trade of James Harden had provided a spark and leadership to Houston, his awesome performance but stressed that his game isn’t a gauge yet to be the franchise player of the team.

Stanco also talks about how the Lakers have struggled in the first few games since the opening of the season despite of having a very strong team that has new recruits Steve Nash and Dwight Howard. Listen to the episode and get your NBA updates now!

The Paranormal Podcast With Jim Harold

Halloween is just around the corner so I thought I’d feature a nice podcast for you guys that you can tune in to to help you get in to the spirit of things. Today I present to you The Paranormal Podcast with Jim Harold!

If you’re into the paranormal and the supernatural, then this show is definitely right up your alley. Hosted by Jim Harold, the program features discussions with various guests who are best known for each of their respective field of expertise, from extra-terrestrials, to folk myths, urban legends, and of course, ghosts.

One episode that particularly caught my attention is Episode 257, Ancient Aliens Debunked / It Came From Ohio. Being fascinated with the TV series Ancient Aliens from the History Channel, I was curious to find out about the counter arguments that Harold’s guest, Chris White, has about the people in the TV show’s claims. And I have to say, he does bring up some pretty good points, but I’m not going to spoil it for you.

Now there’s your Halloween treat. Happy listening and Happy Halloween, everyone!

Creative COW Adobe After Effects Podcast

If you’re a budding filmmaker who enjoys making short films with added special effects then you’re going to love watching Creative COW’s Adobe After Effects Podcast!

Their video podcast will teach you lots of awesome tips, tricks, tutorials, and workflow enhancements that will expand your knowledge of and creativity in Adobe After Effects. They will help you hone your video editing skills so that the special effects you incorporate into your films will look polished and more believable to the viewers’ eyes. After all, you might land a cushy job with the best SFX crew over at ILM.

The Official Trailer for ‘World War Z’ is Out And I Have Questions

Screencap source: YouTube

One of the issues with print-to-screen adaptations (and vice-versa) is that readers of the printed word tend to expect a verbatim visual translation onscreen, if they are of the purist ilk. Max Brooks’s World War Z presents no exception.

While the novel explores in detail the sociopolitical, cultural, and economic ramifications of a zombie apocalypse, the movie adaptation appears to center itself on one man’s struggle against hordes of CGI undead, again, in typical Hollywood fashion.

Screencap source: YouTube

BUT — and this is a big but — to expect an almost-literal visual translation of the written word tends to be unrealistic, mainly because written material tends to expound on the internal workings of characters while visual media is much more effective when presenting external events. While it definitely would be interesting to see a closely related movie adaptation of the novel, perhaps it would be much too layered and long for general audiences’ consumption.

I was also taken aback by the sheer departure from the novel’s original thrust, though. What new insights will this story provide us the way Brooks’s WWZ did, if at all? Why the drastic story rewrite? Why do the zeds behave like ants? Will I leave the cinema a notch smarter enough to survive a zombiepocalypse (or in this case, infestation)?

Still, being the undead lover that I am, I’m here for the zombies. And so will you be.

Celebs Celebrate President Obama’s Triumph

Photo credit: HindustanTimes.Com

US elections are finally over and Obama has been re-elected as the President of the United States. His victory has been trending all over the Internet and here we take a look at Twitterville wherein famous celebrities who have been campaigning for and with him posted congratulatory tweets.

Here are some of the stars who have tweeted right after Obama secured his second seat at the White House.

Eva Longoria of Desperate Housewives posted a photo of herself cheering with arms aloft and said in her Twitter, “We did it!!! Obama re-elected!!!!! Yes!! Yes We Can! Barack Obama re-elected as 44th President of the USA!!!! Go @BarackObama.”

“Me and my friends celebrating! I”m on tears! Moving the country forward!!! Obama!!! (sic).”
Olivia Wilde said in her profile, “AMERICA! You have spoken! Women! You have been heard! Young people! You proved them wrong! Tireless Obama volunteers! I THANK YOU!”

Lady Gaga tweeted, “I JUST GOT OFF STAGE IN COLUMBIA!! CONGRATULATIONS MR. PRESIDENT,” “We are so proud to be American tonight! YES!!! YES! YES!! We just couldn’t be happier my goodness, the joy when freedom prevails (sic).”

Among the other celebs who posted were Demi Lovato, Jessica Alba, Kelly Osbourne, Jay Z, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Ricky Martin, Elizabeth Banks, Zoe Saldana, Chris Rock, and Jennifer Hudson.

Star Trek Fan Proposes In Front Of ‘Star Trek:The Next Generation’ Cast

Who would have thought the biggest question asked in front of the Star Trek: The Next Generation cast has nothing to do with the TV series itself? That’s exactly what happened at the Austin Wizard World Con on Sunday when one now-lucky Trekkie decided to boldly go where no other fellow Trekkie has gone before: on bended knee before his girlfriend, right in front of the Star Trek cast.

Image Source: Imgur

The photo of incident quickly rose to the top of Reddit’s front page on November 7 where Wil Wheaton, who apparently happens to be an avid user of the social news site, posted a comment recounting his experience that stated: “About 30 minutes of so into this particular session, these two people came in. The girl went to stand between Patrick [Steward] and [Jonathan] Frakes, and the guy directed her to stand in the front, instead. All of us tried to figure out what was going on… and the guy said, ‘I really love ‘Star Trek,’ but I love (her name) even more.’ He got down on one knee, and proposed to her.”

And as some of you would have guessed by now, it didn’t take long before Star Trek quote references started to flood the thread. As one Reddit user quips, “I guess when the cast of ‘Star Trek’ tells you to engage, you make it so.”

Among the cast that witnessed the big event other than Wil Wheaton were Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Frakes, and Patrick Stewart himself.

Miley Cyrus Offered A Deal of $1 Million For A Softcore Porn Role

Photo credit:Momlogic.Com

News has spread fast for Miley Cyrus getting a $1 million offer by Sex.com to do softcore porn after she appeared in a music video in DJ Borgores’ Decisions with Jessie Andrews, the winner for Best Actress in last year’s AVN Awards. The two looked good in the video so the idea of putting them together again in an adult film will definitely be a blockbuster if the deal gets sealed.

Since the video release, it’s been a crazy week. An executive of the said site told that the deal will only need Cyrus to take off her clothes and swap some spit with the actress.

Cyrus has made no secret that she wanted to be seen in a mature light, and so here she is, pushing herself to the limit. But will she ever do this kind of deal?

Here’s the vid of Decisions. Enjoy.

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