About Matt

Lieutenant Governor Matt Michels

Matt Welcomes You

Fellow South Dakotans:

I am honored and humbled by the opportunity to serve you as South Dakota’s 38th Lieutenant Governor. Governor Daugaard and I have a relationship that dates back to our time together in the state legislature as presiding officers in the Senate (Lieutenant Governor) and House of Representatives (Speaker), respectively. I am proud to call the Governor a long-time friend and colleague and am eager to support him in building a stronger South Dakota.

The Governor is a man of character with a positive vision for improving our state. I share his values of hard work, personal responsibility, limited government, and neighbor helping neighbor. These principles will guide us as we are faced with difficult decisions in the times ahead.

Economic growth and job creation are the state’s number one priority. Our targeted approach to economic growth will focus on South Dakota’s areas of strength, such as agriculture, research, tourism, renewable fuels, health care, and others. In addition, we will strengthen South Dakota’s business friendly climate by eliminating unnecessary regulations, keeping taxes low, and working with the private sector to encourage job creation.

Governor Daugaard and I also share a strong commitment to public service. State government serves the people and, as servant leaders, we are mindful of that in every decision. Everyone has value, no matter their title or position, and we must all work together in order to build a stronger South Dakota.

The Governor and I greatly appreciate your trust in us to lead our state. We will work hard every day to prove your trust is well placed. If you have any questions or suggestions on how we can serve you better, please contact me.


Matt Michels
Lieutenant Governor