Official Seal of the Department of DefenseDavid M. Wennergren

Assistant Deputy Chief Management Officer (DoD)
9-11 Memorial

David  M.  Wennergren

Mr. David M. Wennergren has over 30 years of leadership experience in information technology and change management across the Department of Defense and federal government.  Currently he serves as the Department of Defense Assistant Deputy Chief Management Officer, where he is the principal deputy to the DoD Deputy Chief Management Officer and champions the Department’s efforts to better synchronize, integrate and optimize DoD business operations to improve effectiveness and increase efficiency.  He previously served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Information Management, Integration and Technology/Deputy Chief Information Officer, where he led the information technology and information management efforts for the Department of Defense.  In addition to these duties, Mr. Wennergren served for five years as Vice Chair of the U.S. Government’s Federal CIO Council, and has also served as Chair of the Committee for National Security Systems and Chair of the Department of Defense Identity Protection and Management Senior Coordinating Group, where he championed the successful deployment of the DoD Common Access Card.  He has also served as the Director of the DoD Business Transformation Agency and the Director of the DoD-Veterans Affairs Interagency Program Office, championing the delivery of improved health information technology for service members, their families and veterans.
Mr. Wennergren served for four years as the Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer, during which time he also served as the Department of the Navy’s Critical Infrastructure Assurance Officer.  He also served for four years as the DON Deputy CIO for Enterprise Integration and Security.  Past assignments within the Department of the Navy also include redesigning the navy’s shore installation management structure, the Navy’s Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) teams for BRAC-93 and BRAC-95, the Commercial Activities (OMB Circular A-76) Program and working as a management analyst at Naval field activities.

Mr. Wennergren received his B.A. in Communications/Public Relations from Mansfield State University. He was a recipient of a Secretary of the Navy Civilian Fellowship in Financial Management, culminating in a Master of Public Policy (MPP) in Public Sector Financial Management from the University of Maryland's School of Public Affairs. He has received the Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Award, the Department of the Navy Distinguished, Superior and Meritorious Civilian Service Awards, the Secretary of Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Award, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense Exceptional Civilian Service Award.  Other honors include being selected as the TechAmerica Terman Award  2010 Government Technology Executive of the Year, the  Federal CIO Council 2008 Azimuth Award winner, the Government Computer News 2005 Defense Executive of the Year, the 2006 John J. Franke Jr. Award from the American Council for Technology, the Federal Computer Week 2006 Eagle Award (Government Leader of the Year), three Federal Computer Week Fed 100 Awards, the Computerworld Premiere 100 Award, and the 2008 General James M. Rockwell AFCEAN of the Year. A huge believer in the “power of team,” he is also honored to have worked in two organizations that were awarded the Department of the Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation.

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