Electronic Rulemaking

Get Involved With E-Rulemaking at DoD

Electronic rulemaking, or “e-rulemaking,” is the term used to describe the use of information technology (IT) to facilitate a range of activities related to the process. The Federal eRulemaking initiative facilitates public participation in the federal regulatory process by improving the public’s ability to find, view, understand and comment on federal regulatory actions and rulemaking materials.

The Department of Defense (DoD) Directive-type Memorandum DTM-06-008, April 30, 2006, Federal Docket Management System directed all of the department’s entities to use the online Federal Docket Management System (FDMS), a component of the federal e-Rulemaking Initiative, for their public regulatory proceedings. By implementing the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS), DoD’s internal rulemaking business processes are more transparent and open for public participation. The DoD online regulatory program includes several federal websites that contain important and diverse elements of the regulatory docket.

Refer to the DoD Open Government Plan to learn about other e-Rulemaking initiatives that the Department is using to enhance transparency, participation and collaboration.
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