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Videos: Briefings

DEPSECDEF Ashton Carter Speaks at the Air Force Association Symposium


DEPSECDEF Ashton Carter Speaks at the Air Force Association Symposium

Courtesy Video | Pentagon Channel | Date: 09.19.2012

Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter gives remarks at the Air Force Association Symposium, National Harbor, MD. Available in High Definition. View Video

Brig. Gen. Roger Noble


Brig. Gen. Roger Noble

Video by Staff Sgt. April Tessmer | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | Date: 09.19.2012

Brig. Gen. Roger Noble briefs the Pentagon Press Corps about the current activities in Afghanistan and then takes questions from the media. View Video

NATO Joint Press Conference


NATO Joint Press Conference

Courtesy Video | Natochannel | Date: 09.18.2012

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and The President of Albania Mr. Bujar Nishani brief the press on NATO operations. Also available in high definition View Video

ANSF/ISAF International Population Protection Conference


ANSF/ISAF International Population Protection Conference

Video by Staff Sgt. April Tessmer | International Security Assistance Force HQ Public Affairs | Date: 09.18.2012

Gen. John Allen and Lieutenant General Shir Mohammad Karimi speak to the press about joint goals and missions during the first ANSF/ISAF International Population Protection Conference. View Video

General  Stéphane Abrial Briefs the Pentagon press corps


General Stéphane Abrial Briefs the Pentagon press corps

Courtesy Video | Pentagon Channel | Date: 09.17.2012

Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, General Stéphane Abrial updates the Pentagon press corps on his tenure with NATO. Also available in high definition View Video

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