Site Policies (overview)

This web service is operated in accordance with policies established by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). The current DoD policy document is DoD Web Site Administration Policies & Procedures, dated 25 Nov 1998, with amendments current through 11 January 2002. DoD offers the following additional resources regarding web policies:

Staff Memorandum 15-1:  HQ USEUCOM Public Access World Wide Web Information Service (April 2005). Provides specific guidance for this site.
Staff Memorandum 100-3:  Authorized Use of Government Computer Networks (5 May 1997). Provides guidelines governing personal use of computer networks at Headquarters, United States European Command.
CDRUSEUCOM 120850Z FEB 98:  Operation of Publicly Accessible Web Sites. Reminds commanders of their responsibility for proper oversight of web services.
COM USECUOM 161340Z JUN 98:  Operation of Publicly Accessible Web Sites. Directs commanders to consider operational security and force protection.
CDRUSEUCOM 051000Z NOV 98:  Information Vulnerability and the World Wide Web.
JTF-IM:  Multi-service Procedures for Joint Task Force Information Management.