ISAF Releases

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ISAF Joint Command morning operational update, Oct. 19

For Immediate Release
KABUL, Afghanistan (Oct. 19, 2012) — Afghan and coalition forces confirmed the death of Taliban leader Belal Khan during a security operation in Nangarhar province Tuesday.
Belal Khan, also known as Auzibullah, commanded dozens of Taliban fighters and was responsible for directing attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:
An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban leader in Kunduz province today. He is suspected of being involved in planning and executing improvised explosive device attacks as well as weapons and explosives facilitation.
Afghan and coalition forces confirmed today the arrest of a Taliban leader during a security operation in Helmand province Sunday. The arrested leader commanded IED cells throughout central Helmand province. The security force also detained a number of suspected insurgents and seized a small amount of illegal narcotics as a result of the operation.
Afghan and coalition forces killed a number of insurgents after being ambushed during a dismounted patrol in Wardak province Tuesday. The combined forces returned fire while sustaining one person wounded.

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