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Fiji offered and later retracted its offer, to send a light infantry battalion of 700 troops in 2004.

In November 2004 the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) sent a 155- man guard unit and two 12- man personal security detachments to Iraq in support of the United Nations Assistance Mission.

In the fall of 2005 the GOF renewed its original UNAMI commitment and added approximately 50 additional troops.

In late May 2006 GOF again renewed its UNAMI commitment in sending approximately 155-man guard unit to be based in Irbil in Iraq.

Fiji is interested in providing 2-3 staff officers to MNF-Baghdad. The Fiji CHOD is very interested in getting involved with Operation Iraq Freedom.

Fijian Head of Defense, Commodore Bainimarama, is interested in Fiji joining the Coalition in Iraq. During a late Oct 05 visit to Fijian troops serving under the UN in Baghdad, Bainimarama discussed his interest in meetings with the Special Rep of the UN and the Chief of Staff, MNF-I. Bainimarama's interest stems from dissatisfaction with the current UNAMI arrangements. He wants Fijian troops to do something more constructive to enhance their military skills.

Fiji is also participating in Sudan, Africa under the United Nations Mission in Sudan.


Fiji Government

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