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Video: NAC Morehead - Amb. Veronika Wand-Danielsson, Swedish Ambassador to NATO

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A delegation of ambassadors from the North Atlantic Council (NAC) visit Camp Morehead in Afghanistan and are treated to an ANA demonstration. Soundbites from Amb. Veronika Wand-Danielsson, Swedish Ambassador to NATO. Also available in high definition. Transcript: I'm Veronika Wand-Danielsson. I'™m the Swedish Ambassador to NATO. I've been at NATO for five years. One of the key assignments, one of the key missions for me as Swedish ambassador at NATO is of course following the ISAF intervention. And I have been here, I think this is my seventh trip to Afghanistan for the last five years, and I'™m each time impressed to see the progress of the ANSF, and of course the special forces are known to do a very good job, so that was, therefore particularly rewarding to be able to come here and to actually see an exercise they conducted, and as far as I could see and judge, very well conducted. And now even speaking to some of the special forces, good to hear that they have the required training, they have the required equipment, so right now I feel they feel confident which is of course good to hear as a troop-contributing nation, which is also involved in special forces training. So, really a good trip so far and pleased to be here, and I wish them all the luck for the future and I'™m happy to say I represent a country who will have a long-term engagement in Afghanistan post our ISAF mission. And particularly on the civilian side, Afghanistan just as an example, will be our main recipient country of Swedish aid, of public aid in years to come, so therefore its good to see that the security side, so far looks to be working well and we hope of course that will continue in the years to come.

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Date Taken:10.18.2012

Date Posted:10.18.2012 1:45PM


Video ID:158681




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