Quality of Life

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It’s been said that the toughest job in the military is the one of military spouse. In fact, the U.S. Department of Defense recognized the crucial role families play in supporting service members and consequently prioritized its support for the service member and his or her family beyond the work environment through Quality of Life programming (QoL). Quality of Life programs are critical to readiness and retention and to ensure service members stay focused on the mission. No assets are more important than our people and their families.

In an overseas assignment such as at EUCOM, ensuring a good quality of life is even more important where families are immersed in foreign culture, foreign language and fewer resources that they are accustomed to accessing easily and familiarly. EUCOM is responsible for maintaining the quality of life, including health care and schools, for almost 130,000 military family members living in Europe. Consequently, through committees and an annual conference, the command reaches out, listens and works to enhance quality of life as it relates to subjects like: relocation and housing, family deployment support, military deployment, wounded warrior support, single—service member issues, youth and teen concerns, health care access, and adult education opportunities.

The EUCOM Readiness division has planned and sponsored the annual joint conference on behalf of the EUCOM Commander since 2004. The conference is a culmination of a year-long process to identify and resolve the quality of life concerns that are most important to the EUCOM family. The EUCOM Quality of Life Executive Steering Committee reviews and prioritizes issues identified by delegates for possible inclusion into the EUCOM Quality of Life Action Plan. The committee is comprised of component personnel leaders and senior enlisted leaders and is co-chaired by the Director of EUCOM Personnel and the EUCOM Senior Enlisted Leader.

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  • March 11, 2011

    What's your BHAG? and how the QoL conference tacked this and other questions

    What’s your B.H.A.G.? What were our Big Hairy Audacious Goals? Did we define our B.H.A.Gs? Did we meet them?
  • March 9, 2011

    2011 EUCOM Quality of Life Conference Kicks Off

    During his brief to conference delegates and attendees, Gordon, deputy assistant secretary of defense for military community and family policy, focused on four key priorities for support and care of military families, which can be found in Presidential Study Directive #9. The priorities include enhancing the overall well-being and psychological health of the military family; ensuring excellence in military children’s education and their development; developing career and educational opportunities for military spouses; and increasing childcare availability and quality for the Armed Forces.
  • March 11, 2010

    Thoughts on how to bring POWER forward

    As a social worker, who has worked for so many years in the civilian sector, I am always amazed at how well the military tries to take care of its soldiers and families. If only the rest of the people in the U.S. had access to some of the wonderful programs designed to support and enhance families and their quality of life. I have been at the Quality of Life Conference here in Garmisch since Monday, and have been impressed and moved by the enthusiasm, true caring, and willingness to help that the military has for the people who dedicate their lives to our country.
  • March 10, 2010

    Community Service II – Day 3 – Quality of Life Conference

    As we worked through the descriptions of the mentioned problem, the active duty members and spouses in our group stepped into situations that none of us want to face. The curtain that is always present was pulled away as we thought about and discussed what our service members and their families (spouses, next of kin, etc) go through, emotionally and mentally, during times of great loss.
  • March 10, 2010

    Youth Teen and Dependent Education – Day 2

    As a group we collectively created a program to eliminate the adult ‘middle man’ process resulting in what we are interested in being expressed. This program, if allotted the five year requested trial program, is expected by the young adult delegates to directly reduce the amount of at-risk behavior.
  • March 10, 2010

    Health of the Force

    Commencing early this morning, our focus group quickly began working together to further deepen what issues we were attempting to address. By discussing amongst ourselves details such as Describe the Problem; what is the desired outcome; stating the Recommendation for achieving desired outcome; stating the Limitations to carry out recommendations or achieving desired outcome. As with any discussion, questions did come up amongst group members. Even small disagreements as to, were our top issues necessarily the most important to address.
  • March 10, 2010

    P.O.W.E.R. at the EUCOM QOL Conference

    I am here not as a delegate, not as an observer or even as a Subject Matter Expert, aka the SME… but here because I belong to the P.O.W.E.R. Group – a program that was put into place based on the needs expressed from attendees at conferences just like this!
  • March 10, 2010

    Quality of Life Conference winds down

    The four focus groups, Health of the Force, Community Service I and II, and the Youth/Teen Dependent Education, have worked hard for the last four days. It has been an interesting experience for me. I have had an opportunity to sit in on a couple of the focus groups and on every occasion everyone was highly engaged in the discussions and very passionate about every issue.
  • March 9, 2010

    Quality Of Life Conference: Day One

    After the video, the Chief of Staff for EUCOM, Army Maj. Gen. John Morgan provided the opening remarks welcoming everyone to the conference…and so it began.
  • March 9, 2010

    Teenagers at the Quality of Life Conference

    Hi I’m Brannon Niblock and I am a first timer at the QoL Conference in Garmish. As a Teen Representative from MARFOREUR I am a part of the Youth Delegate Crew.

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  • September 30, 2011

    Army Lodging at its Highest Standard

    As some installations in Europe are scaling down in size, a few enduring communities are building up. This is the case in Grafenwoehr, Germany. SGT Josh Dwyer tells us how you can sleep a little easier in Graf thanks to a newly finished construction project.
  • March 17, 2010

    2010 EUCOM Quality of Life Conference

    EUCOM held the 2010 Quality of Life conference in Garmish, Germany. See what the discussions were all about.