Security Posters

Adventures in the private sector.Unsure? Ask your FSO.Do you know this famous person?Not all phones are approved for classified discussionFree speech doesn't mean careless talkPhishing-Protect your Organizational and Personal SecurityNot why it can't be done... but how it can be done.Include security! It's a vital ingredient.Before you travel, know the risks.Always be on your toes!Security education, keeping you out of the dark.High fashion or high risk?Protect the nation. Secure your information.They don't wear name tags. Report any suspicious activity to your security manager.Trade secrets are the key to America's future.Contact security before any foreign travel. Know the risks.Tweets sink fleets. Think OPSEC.There's no delete when you tweet. Be cautious of the data you're entrusted with...It could be a matter of life and death. Be part of the solution. Secure your information. Enforce Need to Know practices in your daily work. Espionage doesn't pay. Loose lips sink ships. Secure your information. Memorize. Don't compromise. Save the SECRETS, save the world. It's not nice to fool Mother Nature or security. If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. - Kahlil Gibran Security is not an expense, it's an investment. Not on my watch. Report insider threat. Trust: Protect the information you are entrusted with. Let us not look back in anger ... but around in awareness. Not all money is good money. Report unexplained affluence. Better to be despised for too anxious apprehensions... This nation will remain the land of the free, only so long as... The biggest threat: Failing to pay attention. To adjudicate... and grant? None of us are born with a 'security gene.'Do you need to know? Secure classified information. How many security risks can you spot? Information: Protecting it here makes them safer there. Leadership. It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak... Operation maple tree. Don't let this be your SAP security. No badge? Report unidentified personnel. Security in a nutshell. There is not a divided America. There is the United States. There's no security on this Earth, only opportunity. Information protection: The warfighter is OUR priority. Don't lose sight of some of the reasons we do our jobs. Industrial security: It's everyone's responsiblity. Sew the seeds of security awareness.Secrets: Protecting them here makes them safer there. Secrets: Protecting them here makes them safer there. Secrets: Protecting them here makes them safer there. Security Ed says 'Secure classified before you leave.' Shadow of doubt? Report it to security! Spot On. No information is safe when improperly handled. Not all insider threats are this obvious. Remain vigilant. Think security! Think security! Your toss is their loss. Dispose of unneeded documents. In trouble? It may be a good time to ask for help. Aldrich Ames Belle Boyd Benedict Arnold John Walker Klaus Fuchs Mata Hari Nathan Hale Richard Sorge Robert Hanssen Sidney Reilly

The posters in this section are available for you to promote security awareness in the workplace.

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