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         Bill Kobren, Director

Bill Kobren
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   Home Skip Navigation LinksAT&L Functional Gateways > Life Cycle Logistics > Director Bill Kobren's Blogs

A Major Update to the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) 

Tags: Acquisition Workforce, Best Practices, LCM, Life Cycle Logistics, Life Cycle Management, Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP), Product Support, Product Support & Sustainment, Product Support Manager

A newly revised version of the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) was issued last week. This update represents a major revision of this comprehensive guidebook, and reflects numerous changes from the Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act, recently-issued Better Buying Power memos, and implementation of various new DoD policies and Directive Type Memorandums. In addition to the updates, the website sports a cleaner, more streamlined approach, including titles for each of the major chapters, as well as addition of a chapter-by-chapter summary of major changes. For Chapter 5 (the Life Cycle Logistics chapter) key changes include:


·         Standardized terms based on Better Buying Power initiative and recent DTMs.

·         Included changing "Logistics Element" to "Product Support Element" and "Total Ownership Cost" to "LCC" or "Operating & Support Costs" depending on the use.

·         Emphasis on Product Support Strategy and Product Support Manager due to DTM 10-015

·         Programs report and monitor Operations & Support Costs as part of the Ownership Cost KSA due to JCIDS update

·         Updated LCSP portion to reflect PDUSD(AT&L)-approved Life Cycle Sustainment Plan Outline published 14 Sep 2011

·         Added information on Product Support BCA based on DTM 10-015

·         Describes what a Milestone A LCSP should focus on based on the Streamlined LCSP tenets Life-Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) outline approved by the PDUSD(AT&L), Mr. Frank Kendall. Links to LCSP web site with additional paragraph by paragraph discussion on expectations

·         Describes what a Milestone B LCSP should focus on based on the Streamlined LCSP tenets approved by the PDUSD(AT&L) relative to establishing sustainment related "design-to" requirements.

·         Describes what a Milestone C LCSP should focus on based on the Streamlined LCSP tenets relative to developing the Product Support Package.

·         Describes what a Post-Milestone C LCSP should focus on based on the Streamlined LCSP tenets relative to fielding the Product Support Package.

·         Describes what an LCSP should focus on based on the Streamlined LCSP tenets approved by the PDUSD(AT&L) once the system is operationally deployed.

·         Deleted information on Technical Data rights that are not PSM responsibility.

·         Added reference to recently published Logistics Assessment Guidebook with short description


In addition to Chapter 5, given the essential alignment required with other functional communities, would highly reading through other chapters as well, in particular Chapters 4 (Systems Engineering) and 11 (Program Management Activities).

Posted by Bill Kobren CPL on 15-Oct-12
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