Image: 2011 COPS Conference

2011 COPS Conference Tracks Announced

Have you registered to attend the 2011 COPS Conference? Taking place in Washington, D.C. on August 1 and 2, the theme of this year’s conference is Advancing Public Safety in a New Economy. In addition to exciting plenary speakers, the conference will also offer break-out sessions covering seven themed tracks. Read More...

RAND’s Center on Quality Policing

What’s the Value of an Extra Officer in Your Community? RAND Online Tool Provides the Answer

RAND’s Center on Quality Policing has developed an online calculator tool that can help city managers, police leaders, city council members, media, and the public better understand the cost of crime in their communities and the returns on police personnel investments. Read More...

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National Police Foundations Project: Establishing Private Sector Partnerships

With police departments across the nation suffering budget cuts and layoffs, many police departments are looking for innovative cost saving solutions and new revenue streams to support critical staffing, equipment, and community needs. Read More...

logo: Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS)

Building Blocks of a Law Enforcement Volunteer Program E-Learning Course

The Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) Program offers an introductory e-learning course addressing the principles of starting a law enforcement volunteer program. This course is designed for persons charged with implementing a program in state, local, tribal, or campus law enforcement agencies. Read More...

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Fatal Fatigue: The Consequences of Sleep Deprivation on Officer Safety

There has been a surge of media attention focusing on fatigue management following the recent incidents of air traffic controllers falling asleep on the job. However, these issues are equally as prevalent and dangerous to those we rely on to protect and serve our communities. Read More...



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Director Melekian Earlier this year, I wrote that the time was ripe for changing the delivery of police services from a mid-20th century model to a 21st century one. I promised I would look at four themes that I believe will help shape this new model of service delivery. Read More...

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2011 Electronic Control Weapon Guidelines The 2011 Electronic Control Weapon Guidelines is based on information gathered from workshops, interviews, and a national survey that examined the use of ECWs. Read more...

San Diego Police Department Enhancing Cultures of Integrity Technical Assistance Guide Early Intervention System—a system that statistically compares law enforcement employee performance against a range of numerical norms, and helps assess which employee may need help with their personal or professional problems—is being adopted nationwide. Read More...

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