University Level Education


In addition to the classes they take here, WHINSEC students have numerous other educational opportunities. All students and faculty have access to undergraduate and graduate night courses offered by Troy(AL) University, Norwich University, and Georgia Military College, as well as many other distance learning programs.

Students wishing to attend college courses must bring official transcripts, in English, from all colleges and universities attended. An undergraduate student with fewer than 30 quarter hours of college work must also provide a high school transcript. The prospective student must send for an official evaluation of foreign educational credentials. For more information on enrollment and credential evaluation procedures, contact: Deputy Director of Education, (706) 545- 7191.

Master's Degree Program
Students who attend the Command and General Staff Officer Course (CGSOC) have a unique opportunity to double matriculate in Troy University's "Master of Science in Management, International Relations Emphasis" (MSM/IRE) program. It is possible to earn both diplomas simultaneously in one calendar year.

University Accreditation
WHINSEC courses have been approved for college-level credit with the American Council on Education (ACE), a private and universally recognized system for accrediting courses taught at institutions not primarily considered to be colleges or universities. Graduates of accredited WHINSEC courses are able to request host institutions at which they wish to matriculate to accept their WHINSEC courses at the credit level indicated in the ACE catalog.

University Accreditation
The Resource Management Course is accredited by the Department of Defense Resources Management Institute at Monterey, Calif., and by the Pacific Coast Council of Colleges and Universities; currently, Troy University awards six credit hours in "Guided Study in Management and Economics" for this course.