U.S. Department of Justice

Meeting the Needs of Prison Rape Victims: A Technical Assistance Guide for Sexual Assault Counselors and Advocates

Publication year: 2006 | Cataloged on: Oct. 18, 2012

Library ID

  • 026356

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  • 2006
  • 24 pages

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  • Meeting the Needs of Prison Rape Victims: A Technical Assistance Guide for Sexual Assault Counselors and Advocates

ANNOTATION: This is not really a technical assistance guide as the title suggests. It is a great introduction to the issues surrounding prison rape written for those counseling sexual assault victims or those who advocate for those victims. Sections of this publication include: introduction; the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA); inmates as victims; ethical dilemmas—working with a victim who is also an offender (basic human rights, ethical decision-making, working with a victim who is also a sexual assault offender, and funding considerations); prison entry—the basics (visits, dress, belongings, safety considerations, and self-awareness); collaborating with correction staff (training as a first step towards collaboration, understanding the differing roles of prison staff and rape crisis advocates, understanding confidentiality in the prison environment, finding common ground, and developing positive working relationships); inmate support groups (pick an innocuous name, collaborate with prison staff to ensure inmates’ access, protection, and privacy, combine your resources with allies, screen participants, determine if the group will be closed or open, obtain ongoing training in group facilitation and dynamics, involve group in establishing ground rules and goals of group, develop and safeguard trust, empower group members as active leaders, and lighten up); state level responses in Pennsylvania; and conclusion.

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