U.S. Department of Justice

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Parolee Information Handbook

Publication year: 2007 | Cataloged on: Oct. 18, 2012

Library ID

  • 026355

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  • 2007
  • 17 pages

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ANNOTATION: While this guide is for California parolees, it is a great example of what information such a manual should contain. Sections of this handbook cover: it’s your choice—successful parole; a good attitude is a key to success; things you need to do in prison; things you must do when you get out of prison; registering with the police or sheriff; finding a place to live, food, and other services in your area; some things you should know; finding a job; things to know about parole; what your conditions of parole mean; Americans with Disabilities Act; getting an education; getting better at reading; training; restraining orders; police assistance; “Three Strikes, You’re Out” notification; finding the right one to talk to; know your benefits; Division of Parole Operations Community programs; and Office of Substance Abuse programs.

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