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Posted 6/25/2008 Printable Fact Sheet
Inspector General Directorate
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Any Air Force military or civilian member may file an IG complaint. However, many Department of the Air Force (DAF) civilian complaints (e.g., discrimination, sexual harassment, and conditions of employment) must be addressed by agencies other than the IG. Anyone - even civilians with no Air Force affiliation - may file Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) disclosures. Depending on the circumstances, the IG may also accept complaints from dependents or relatives of active duty members and retirees and their dependents. However, it's always best for the actual "victim" or person who witnessed the alleged wrongdoing to file the complaint. If you have a concern and are unsure if you should file a complaint, contact an IG for guidance.

IGs may dismiss a complaint if there is no recognizable wrong or violation of law, regulation, or policy. Also, complaints more than 60 days old will normally be dismissed, unless there are extraordinary circumstances or special Air Force interests to justify an investigation. Remember, the sooner a complaint is filed, the better the chances are to resolve the matter.

How should complaints be filed?
You should provide factual and relevant information related to the issue or complaint, preferably by completing (and signing) AF Form 102, Inspector General Personal and Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Complaint Registration Form. However, if you do not have immediate access to an AF Form 102, you can simply prepare a letter and mail (or fax) it to the appropriate IG. 

Complaint letters should be signed, legible (preferably "typed"), and reproducible. They should include your rank/grade, name, organization assigned, home and duty addresses and phone numbers (commercial and DSN), and, if active duty, Social Security Number. FWA disclosures may be submitted on an AF Form 102, by letter, in person, or by FWA Hot lines. 

If you choose to file anonymously, you may do so but, be aware that you will not receive a reply from the IG. However, whether filing anonymously or not, be assured your complaint will receive the same level of attention. If you choose to file anonymously be sure to provide all known facts i.e., subject's name, office symbol, concise facts of the allegation(s). This information is critical being that we have no way to contact you for additional information.

List your allegation(s)) briefly; however, be specific - avoid broad generalizations. For example, do not write, "My supervisor is a poor manager and abuses his subordinates." Instead, provide the name and rank of the specific person(s) you believe have done something wrong. Cite the specific instance(s) of wrongdoing. 

When you file an IG complaint you are making an official statement; therefore, you are subject to punitive action if you intentionally make false statements. When you sign an AF Form 102, you are signing a statement that says, "I fully understand that I am accountable for knowingly making untruthful, malicious, libelous or slanderous statements."

Phone: (801) 777-5305
Hotline (Message machine answers 24/7): (801) 777-5361
Fax:  801-777-5357 

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