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Recent Rain

-- Randy’s Roundup--

A Weekly Newsletter from Congressman Randy Neugebauer

August 15, 2011

Recent Rain

The power of prayer works! While Texas is still suffering through one of the worst droughts in recorded history, we all rejoiced together on Thursday as Lubbock and other parts of West Texas finally received much needed rain. Let us all keep praying for more of the moisture we need so badly.

School Begins Next Week

Students all across Texas return to their classrooms during the next few weeks after their summer vacations. I clearly remember the excitement, and yes, a little anxiousness when starting a new grade or school – but after a few days, I had my feet on the ground and started to enjoy myself, my teachers and my classmates, many of whom I still stay in contact with. I wish all the students, parents and teachers good luck for the coming school year, and I encourage parents to stay involved in their children’s studies and extracurricular activities.

Back at Home in Texas

Last week, I was glad to be back home in Texas!  I had a busy week and enjoyed visiting with business leaders, as well as newly elected officials in Abilene, a group of pastors in Lubbock, and the Legacy Farms dairy operation in Plainview. This dairy, one of the largest in the state, sends approximately 50,000 gallons of milk to Lubbock daily.  While in Plainview, I also visited with a local veteran and presented him with one of my challenge coins.  Additionally, I enjoyed visiting with farmers and elected officials in Seminole, where we conducted a press conference to highlight the overreach of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding the dunes sagebrush lizard.

Court Strikes Down Obama Health Insurance Mandate

Last Friday, common sense won the day. A federal appeals court struck down the requirement in President Obama's health care law that mandated virtually all Americans must buy health insurance or face penalties.  But, the decision didn't go as far as a lower court that had invalidated the entire health care bill as unconstitutional.

A divided three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the so-called individual mandate, siding with 26 states (including Texas) that had sued to block the law. The states and other critics argued that the law violates people's rights. President Obama’s renegade Justice Department countered that the legislative branch was exercising a "quintessential" power. That’s what I would term “hog-wash”. Here is part of what the court wrote: The Obama plan is "breathtaking in its expansive scope…The government's position amounts to an argument that the mere fact of an individual's existence substantially affects interstate commerce, and therefore Congress may regulate them at every point of their life. This theory affords no limiting principles in which to confine Congress's enumerated power."

An appeals court and three federal judges have upheld the law, and two have invalidated it. Experts say the debate ultimately will be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The federal government will have 90 days to appeal to the Supreme Court or ask the entire 11th Circuit to review the ruling. I am confident President Obama’s health care plan, which will cost our ailing economy even more jobs during these challenging economic times, has begun to hear its funeral bells.

Question of the Week:

"If the mandatory insurance question reaches the Supreme Court, how do you think the Court will decide – for, or against?"

Please visit my website to submit your answer to this week's question.

Thank you for your continuing responses to our "Question of the Week." Here are the results from last week's question:

“Do you believe S&P was justified in downgrading the United States’ credit rating?”

Yes - 81.6 %

No - 15.10%

Undecided - 3.3%


As always, when events unfold in Washington, I will be sure to update you. Please forward the Roundup to anyone who might enjoy hearing updates from DC, and sign up for mobile updates by texting RANDY to GOPGOV (467468). In the meantime, do not hesitate to visit my website, call my office toll free district wide at (888) 763-1611 or call my Washington, DC office at 202-225-4005.