DoD Ergonomics Conference Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12-13 August 2003

The 6th Annual Force Health Protection Conference, 11-17 August, included a 2-day Ergonomics Track, hosted by the DoD Ergonomics Working Group. This track served as the Annual DoD Ergonomics Conference for DoD, Federal, industry, and university safety and health personnel.

The Ergonomics Track provided practical, user-friendly information on program development; organizational culture and change; metrics; program implementation and management; best practices; self assessments; cost benefit and return on investments; marketing and communication; ergonomic assessment tools, products and intranet programs; workstation design; and research initiatives. Papers presented on these topics are available for download.


Swim Lanes Change the Culture - Mr. Nathan Giles (PPT)

Validity of Observational Job Analysis Methods - Dr. Brian Lowe (PPT)

Information Systems - Why Data Management? - Mr. Nathan Giles (PPT)

Assessment Tools - PDA and Excel Spreadsheet - COL Mary Lopez (PPT)

Risk Assessment Codes and Ergonomics - COL Mary Lopez (PPT)

Air Force Assessment Tools - TSgt Karl Giese (PPT)

Overview of the Federal Workers' Compensation Program - Mrs. Katherine Secor (PPT)

Baseline Assessment/Swim Lane Diagrams - Ms. Helen Burch
This presentation is not currently available.

Outreach Program Development - Ms. Kelsey McCoskey
Building an Ergonomics Program
Outreach Program Development

Evaluating Ergo Products - Ms. Mindy Smith
Evaluating Ergo Products
New Office Chairs

Ergonomics Process Implementation: Lessons Learned from 40 Years of Professional Practice - Dr. Hal Hendrick
Ensuring Effective Ergonomic Interventions
Practical Application of Ergonomics

Hand Tool Selection Process - Mr. Steven Chervak (PPT)

Implementing Medical Case Management Teams - Dr. Marianne Cloeren (PPT)

Back it Up with Buck$ Baby: Using Metrics and Return-on-Investment Estimates to  Advocate for Ergonomic Programs - Ms. Katharine Neufeld (PPT)

Case Studies and Return on Investment for Industrial Processes - Ms. Theresa Stack (PPT)

Managed Care Advisor Metrics - Ms. Helen Burch (PPT)

How to Get Money - Ms. Tina Allen (PPT)

Ergonomic Recommendations for the Air Force Officer Promotion Selection Process - Dr. Katharyn Grant (PPT)

Lost Workday Data - Dr. Marianne Cloeren (PPT)

Cost Benefit Analysis - COL Mary Lopez (PPT)

Ergonomic Stressors within Child Development Centers - Ms. Theresa Stack (PPT)

Identifying Light Duty Positions and Restricted Work Programs - Ms. Phyllis Guarin (PPT)

Safe Patient Handling and Movement - Ms. Audrey Nelson (PPT)

Ergonomic Principals and Accommodating Federal Employees with Disabilities - Ms. Sharon Terrell-Lindsay (PPT)

Patient Handling in a Military Treatment Facility - Mrs Myrna Callison (PPT)

A Management Framework for Ergonomic Programs - Mr John Seibert (PPT)

Patient Handling Ms. Mindy Smith (PPT)

Overcoming Return to Work Problems - Dr. Michael Feuerstein (PPT)

Medical Role in the Ergo Process - Ms. Robin Merriweather (PPT)

Ergonomic Solutions for Return to Work Restrictions - Dr. Marianne Cloeren
Ergonomics in RTW
Return to work 2003

Research Update - Dr. Stephen Hudock (PPT)

Best Practices and ROI-Navy Perspective - Ms. Cathy Rothwell (PPT)

Literature Review of Back Belt Research - Dr. Marianne Cloeren (PPT)

Last Modified: 27 September 2011 at 16:11