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IWS: Irregular Warfare Support


Preview CTTSO’s Technology Requirements for Combating Terrorism.

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CTTSO Previews Requirements to be Announced in an Upcoming Broad Agency Announcement.

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Read about the requirements here.

The Micro Tactical Ground Robot (MTGR) is currently being rapidly deployed to Special Operations Forces, Multi Purpose Forces, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice communities.

Read about the project here.

Check out CTTSO's 2012 CTTSO Review Book for information on some of our recently completed and ongoing projects to support the war fighter, first responder, and other front line personnel.


Irregular Warfare Support

The Irregular Warfare Support (IWS) Program develops adaptive and agile ways and means to support irregular warfare in current and evolving strategic environments. IWS supports joint, interagency, and international partners who conduct irregular warfare through indirect and asymmetric approaches with solutions to erode an adversary’s power, influence, and will. IWS identifies material and nonmaterial solutions via operational analysis, concept development, field experimentation, and spiral delivery of capabilities to defeat the motivations, sanctuaries, and enterprises of targeted state and non-state actors.

IWS Mission Areas

Building Partner Capacity

Building Partner CapacityConduct research, operational analysis, capability design, and implementation support in order to enable the Department of Defense to assist, train, advise, and influence foreign partners, foreign competitors, adversary leaders, military forces, and relevant populations by developing and presenting information and conducting shaping activities to affect their perceptions, will, behavior, and/or capabilities. This includes research and development that supports the conduct of communication, shaping missions, and activities, but does not include kinetic operations or maneuver of forces for the purpose of influence.

Pursuit and Denial

Conduct research, operational analysis, capability design, and implementation support to enable client organizations to better apply indirect and asymmetric force to identify, disrupt, deny, and destroy hostile organizations and their supporting enterprises.

Indirect Communications Support

IndirectCommunicationsSupportConduct research, operational analysis, capability design, and implementation support within the scope of traditional military information operations to enhance and improve client organization efforts to erode adversaries’ power, influence, and will through proactive and responsive informational, psychological, and other irregular operations. IWS seeks to increase efficacy of military operations while decreasing the likelihood of direct action environments.

Mission Rehearsal and Exercise

Conduct research, operational analysis, capability design, and implementation support to increase U.S. proficiency in and capacity to wage irregular warfare on target states and non-state actors. IWS seeks to further the art and science of irregular warfare operations and their understanding in the appropriate agencies, forces, and bodies of government.

Knowledge Management

Knowledge ManagementConduct research, operational analysis, capability design, and spiral experimentation support to increase U.S. and appropriate partners’ understanding of hostile forces, current and evolving tactical and operational environments, and opportunities for successful irregular warfare operations by client organizations.

Operations Integration

OperationsIntegrationConduct research, operational analysis, capability design, and implementation support to synchronize interagency irregular warfare efforts. IWS refines current capabilities and develops those capabilities necessary for friendly forces to prevent and prevail in future conflicts.

COIN Aviation Capability

Conduct research, operational analysis, capability design, and implementation support to provide low cost counterinsurgency (COIN) aviation mission requirements for small units engaged in distributed operations, and in austere and remote locations. This would be used by Special Operations Forces (SOF), General Purpose Forces (GPF), and their enablers to execute various missions to include building partner capacity, security force assistance, and irregular warfare.