Project ManagerSoldier Sensors and Lasers (PM SSL)

PM SSL provides Soldiers with improved lethality, mobility, and survivability in all weather and visibility conditions. Soldier-borne sensors and lasers enhance the Soldier's ability to see in all battlefield and lighting conditions, to acquire objects of military significance before the Soldier is detected, and to target threat objects accurately for engagement by Soldiers or guided munitions. These systems provide critical, on-the-ground direct support to U.S. forces.

Product Manager Soldier Maneuver Sensors (SMS) provides Soldiers with products for enhanced vision, improved targeting, and greater lethality.

Product Manager Soldier Precision Targeting Devices (PM SPTD) develops and fields systems that accurately locate and designate targets for engagement with precision munitions.

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10170 Beach Road
Bldg 325
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060