U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe

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USAMMCE NCOs earn Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB)

On 21 September, Sergeants Anthony Coleman and Jason Roth, both assigned to the US Army Medical Materiel Center, Europe (USAMMCE), earned the Expert Field Medical Badge at Grafenwoehr, Germany.

Out of 312 Multinational candidates from across Europe, 75 earned the much desired badge. The average completion rate is about 20 %.

The EFMB competition is a two week course with a one-week training phase and a 120 hour testing phase.

Left to right: SGT Anthony Coleman, COL Thomas Slade (USAMMCE Commander), SGT Jason RothLTG Mark Hertling, USAREUR Commanding General pinning EFMB batch on SGT Jason Roth
Left to right: SGT Anthony Coleman, SGT Jason Roth

The testing phase consists of a written test, Day and Night Land Navigation, a 12 mile ruck march, and 3 combat testing lanes with basic combat scenarios and combat medical skills. In order to earn the badge, Soldiers must complete all tasks and cross the finish line in time.

In a ceremony, following the event, Lieutenant General Mark Hertling, the US Army Europe (USAREUR) Commanding General, pinned the badges on the winners. In addition, Colonel Slade, the USAMMCE Commander, presented the USAMMCE winners with a Commander’s coin.

After they returned to work, SGT Roth said: “the most challenging task was probably the written test. Finding time to study and the vast variety of possible questions and subjects, made that portion very tough for me. I don’t think anyone can actually go into EFMB and think they fully have it in the bag.”

SGT Coleman agreed that the written test was the most challenging task for him as well. He also said: “At first I was nervous about Combat Testing Lane 1, but we managed to get some time to go over the lane, so that helped.”

In an email message to all of USAMMCE COL Slade stated, that he is extremely proud of these two young NCOs.

ERMC Multinational Medical Conference Attendees visit USAMMCE

ERMC Multinational Medical Conference Attendees visit USAMMCE

On 12 September, Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Todd, the USAMMCE Deputy Commander for Operations gave a tour of the USAMMCE Installation to attendees of the ERMC Multinational Medical Conference.

Approximately 20 NATO Medical Officers from five different countries received a first-hand look at the

USAMMCE operation. Although time didn’t permit to interview the officers while they were at USAMMCE, some of the feedback received included comments like: “Great operation”; “fantastic work that these folks perform”; Unbelievable – had no clue that such a place existed”; “very organized and people friendly”.

Before giving the tour, LTC Todd delivered the USAMMCE Command Brief at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

Major Aron Meadow


On 6 September, the 70k Consultant to the Surgeon General of the Army announced Major Aron Meadow as one of the winners of the CY11 Professional Medical Logisticians’ Leadership and Civilian Awards (PML2A).

The awards are given to Army Medical Service Corps personnel for demonstrating exceptional skills and accomplishments in leadership, technical competence, professionalism, and patriotism.

Major Meadow has been working in various positions at USAMMCE since 2009 and has demonstrated that he is a top-notch logistician and leader.

Major Meadow said: “I was very surprised when friends and colleagues started sending congratulatory notes my way. It is always nice to be recognized”. He went on to say that his assignment at USAMMCE has been highly developmental and that he is grateful and very lucky to be at USAMMCE to support its great mission.

Major Meadow will receive a Memorandum of Commendation and a coin from the Surgeon General as well as an Army Commendation Medal and an US Army Medical Command G-4 Letter of Appreciation and coin.

O-Day cake

USAMMCE O-Day 2012

USAMMCE Soldiers and civilians took a break from their busy schedules to participate in USAMMCE’s Annual Organization Day on 10 August.

Many family members and friends joined in the fun and games. There were activities and games for all ages,

even a bouncy ship for the little ones.

Thanks to the many dedicated volunteers. Everyone had a great time.

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